Earned Pieces

Earned Pieces

in Suggestions

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


Lately running through an achievement per event would give players a skin or two, sometimes some recipes for backskins. So of course this creates multiple categories of items, both necessary.

1) Earned by Gold: A set of items that obtains through recipes where all the materials are not account bound and can be bought or searched for. This came through Ascended Backpieces.

2) Earned through achievements: Get an achievement, get a skin….simple as that. Except it has to be applied to an existing backpiece.

What about the third category?

3) Earned by Grinding: (notice I am being blunt here and not sugar coating it)

I am currently working on my Fractal Backpiece to be fully upgraded because it requires Account Bound Fractals-Only components. Anyone who sees the fractal beta capacitor on my back knows that I have some fractal experience. It shows that I truly earned it and did something to get it.

All the Gold in the world will not get me the backpiece, I have to earn it.

I have defaulted towards trying to get this not to say “I am better than you” or to have some sense of entitlement either. I have wanted to earn this because not everyone has this, or is capable of getting it. It shows to the community where you have been, and where you skills lie to some degree.

I am asking if more weapons, armor and backpieces can be made on this level. I dont mean just throwing out a lot of materials out there, but I mean account bound materials along with things obtained in a zone or region/gametype so when I look back on my experience, i can say “yeah, I earned this and I really like this gametype” type attitude.

I think so far the fractal capacitor is the only one out there.

Its just a thought.

I would love to see one for each dungeon using those gifts as well as perhaps a wvw one using a gift of battle. That would be special.

Earned Pieces

in Suggestions

Posted by: Defect.4193


There are, they’re called a Legendary weaps.
Shows you’ve been grinding for gold.
Shows you’ve done map completion.
Shows you’ve been through dungeons to get gifts.
Shows you’ve been leveling for skill points.
Shows you’ve been helping in WvW.
Shows you’ve been doing events for karma.
Shows you’ve been gathering mats.
If anything, I wish Legendaries were account bound to show just how much work you’ve put into the game.

Oh and btw, dungeon specific armors already show that you’ve been through dungeons.
They just don’t look that good.