"Easier" to obtain Halloween Weapons
I agree with the OP
It’s weird that they expected the time-limited items to serve this purpose.. I don’t know about anyone else, but the time limit makes it feel like no reward at all. Intermediate reward seems to be sorely lacking, here. As a holiday event, it shouldn’t be so exclusive, IMHO.
I agree with the OP. Being that this is a holiday event, I think that most people would want to get some sort of memorabilia for participating.
As a somewhat casual player I made my peace with the fact that I’ll probably never own a legendary but I feel that the holiday events should be fun and rewarding for all who participate, not just those who grind the most or have the most gold. Something to show off a few years down the line. Something that says “I was here during the first ever GW2 Halloween event.”
The free devil horns aren’t enough? What more do you people want?
The free devil horns aren’t enough? What more do you people want?
I’m not one to usually look a gift horse in the mouth but those horns are awful. It’s almost like getting an invite to a party announcing free gifts. And then when you arrive at the party you discover the free gift is a punch in the face.
But heck, they’re easily removable and I never have to use them again.
Agree with the OP, gw1 events yielded more items than a single headpiece and didnt require hardcore payoff to actually get something
Holiday events shouldnt be so intensive in costs as it is with the BLC rate at the moment
The free devil horns aren’t enough? What more do you people want?
Speaking as a Charr…NO. See at character creation I had to have horns. I wasn’t given a choice of being born the only charr without horns. I shrunk them as much as I could, but they are still there. What’s more is they apparently cover up the horns you get.
The event has only been out 1 day and still in act 1, cool your jets.. There’s still plenty of stuff to come.
Blackgate Original
The Gourd Rifle Skin is 3.5 gold right now.
The Severed Arm Dagger Skin is 4.27 gold
Chainsword is 6.66 gold ( O.o!!!)
The Deathly Shoulders range anywhere from 1 gold to 3 gold.
These aren’t exactly super high unattainable prices. They’ve also been falling consistently, so they’ll probably be much cheaper closer to the end of the event.
If you want a souvenir to show you participated, go grab one of those.
If what you really want is the super cool Halloween skins (Chainsaw, Scythe, Grinning Shield) on the cheap, you’re just going to have to find a way to convince the playerbase that they really aren’t as cool as people make them out to be, ’cause rarity+demand is driving the price.
Souvenirs, however, are easy enough to come by. Super cool weapon skins? Not so much.
I will admit, though, that I was expecting more attainable weapons for all, but people can still walk away with something. It might not be the Chainsaw of Death, but it’s still a Halloween related item.
Full Disclosure, one of the Black Lion Chests I got gave me a Scythe skin. I also blew my savings purchasing a Grinning Shield. So, it’s definitely in my best interest for supply/demand to stay as it is right now.
I dunno. Maybe give out a permanent trinket that turns you into a skeleton? Or spawns a pumpkin that spews out Mad King jokes?
The thing is, though, I think people would complain even more if other, cheaper skins were released in the Gem Store. If they were better looking than the ‘rare’ skins, then people with those skins would complain. If they were worse looking, then you’d still get people rallying against ANET being a ‘MONEY GRUBBING CORPORATION ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!’ and complaining that they can’t have good weapon skins.
Goal: To have one character of every race, gender, and armor class combination at level 80.
Current progress: Human 4/6 | Charr 1/6 | Norn 1/6 | Sylvari 1/6 | Asura 1/6 | Total: 8/30
Well, fundamentally speaking if I can buy entire outfits or skins from the gem store then I should be able to get the weapon skins for far less, either through gold or luck.. which luck only makes ANet richer and not a gold farmer (not sayin everyone trading skins is a farmer). Since luck stinks, anyone’s best path to the skins is to farm gold…
Agree with OP
Yet Anet says they don’t want GW2 to become a grind. If they would actually play their game without the “dev” abilities they will see everything in it is a grind.
Agree with the OP, gw1 events yielded more items than a single headpiece and didnt require hardcore payoff to actually get something
Holiday events shouldnt be so intensive in costs as it is with the BLC rate at the moment
http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Halloween_2005 – since 2012 is the first GW2 Halloween event
Did I miss something big in GW1 Halloween events? I remember that the only thing you could get was a headgear.
Agree with OP
Yet Anet says they don’t want GW2 to become a grind. If they would actually play their game without the “dev” abilities they will see everything in it is a grind.
Anet says, you don’t have to grind to participate in the game 100% and enjoy it the same way the grinding players do. Anet does not say, you can have all the game offers without effort.
You can grind if you want – for sure. But you don’t have to if you don’t. It doesn’t matter at all.
By that logic.. wouldn’t that mean there is no such thing as a grindy game? None of them force you. They just reward you in different ways, but you can always choose to opt out of those rewards.
By that logic.. wouldn’t that mean there is no such thing as a grindy game? None of them force you. They just reward you in different ways, but you can always choose to opt out of those rewards.
The thing is, a lot of games out there are forcing you to grind (or to take money in the hand) if you want fully participate in the game.
GW2 doesn’t. You just look a little bit different if you do. That’s all.
Yes, of course, if your main target in the game is to obtain all the skins and achievements you will have to grind. But if you would gain all of this for free and instant it would be no target at all. And there is actually no reason to do it, because it does not influence your other game experience. GW2 is like a high building with elevator AND stair together. If you want to take the stair it’s free to you to do it – end enjoy. But you can just take the elevator and enjoy the top view easy way without “grinding the stairs”.
(edited by Kathmandu.2417)
I agree with the OP. Being that this is a holiday event, I think that most people would want to get some sort of memorabilia for participating.
1. How could you know that there wont be any revard for completing the halloween event?
2. One of memorable things, that u can get without weeks of farming is tittle of Emissary of the Mad King. Isn’t it memorable? Imho it is.
3. You can get epic armor skins for like 5-8g depending on when u bought gems, including freaking flying broom which is pure epicness.
Why everything ppl expect should be weapon skins? Stop crying, there is so much things to get in this event, each one for other part of playerbase. Apparently this time weapons are for farmers, and I’m ok with it, maybe next time it will be completely different. The game doesn’t end here. The only thing “no-farmers-at-all” cannot easily get are permanent weapons, everything else is up for anyone.
I don’t think Anet will ever make changes from this because there will be a small group of people who will complain alot. The group of people who spent real money on keys or gold to buy the skin. I saw posts of someone spending hundreds for the skin. If the skins were made to acquire easily, those people will be affected.
Take a look on the bright side.
Personally, I love the skins of Halloween weapons gives but it’s not enough for me.
The cool ones are the greatsword and shield. Others were very plain.
It made my choice not to gamble.
People with those skins will eventually put those weapons in their bank after they obtain their mystic or legendary equipment.
Tine SionnachYet Anet says they don’t want GW2 to become a grind. If they would actually play their game without the “dev” abilities they will see everything in it is a grind.
Anet says they don’t require you to grind out specific content in order to be able to play through the content or be competetive (as in gear progression and gear gated content).
They’re not saying that it doesn’t require a lot of time investment to get all the best rewards the game has to offer. Folks use that argument completely out of context and are leaving out info.
It’s up to you if you want to grind or not, I’m not grinding but having fun instead and still get rewarded for it (have full exotics without having run content specifically to acquire them etc.).
It’s true the event isn’t over, and some sites have listed new crafted items. For example, there’s a twilight named set of weapons that have one of everything. About the crazy grind staff/bow/shield, I don’t understand the logic at all. This event should be about participating; the prestige should come from having been here to take part, not grinding out a Halloween themed legendary. The recipes are so hard to make because you can make them whenever. But who wants a Halloween bow in December? Why should that be possible?
It’s true the event isn’t over, and some sites have listed new crafted items. For example, there’s a twilight named set of weapons that have one of everything. About the crazy grind staff/bow/shield, I don’t understand the logic at all. This event should be about participating; the prestige should come from having been here to take part, not grinding out a Halloween themed legendary. The recipes are so hard to make because you can make them whenever. But who wants a Halloween bow in December? Why should that be possible?
Have a link to some of the other crafted (equipable) items? (non tonic/potion ones)
Please give us a keyring…
Guys how I do agree there should be a more easy way to get Halloween items, something we can take away from this event and show to others we were there like you could in GW1 (Horns are cool, but I have no use for them sense I never wear “town cloths”) But it’s only the first update to the Halloween event let the event play out have fun doing it and only then if you feel upset turn your computers off, take a big sigh, go outside and come back when you feel less upset. This way the whole Halloween event forums are not filled with crying.
Hi Anet,
I would like to request for a set of weapon skin that is easier to obtain then the current Black Chest or Craftable Weapons/Skins.If it would be possible to just sell a weapon skin out right in Gem story or have a lower crafting requirements weapons (that maybe look different then the higher end craftable) that would be great. They can be considered the lower set of rares from the event.
This would allow the majority of players to also come away with something from the event, even if we do not have the super rare version. Maybe make the current versions legendary and then insert a “normal” exotic version, that is hard to get but doable within this halloween event. Maybe this exotic version would need an ingredient from the BLTC that could cost a few bucks.
Please consider this. It gives the normal player a goal that we can work towards for this event, that is not so out of most player’s stratosphere.
Thanks and Regards.
PS: This is not a demand. This is a request that could benefit all involved. The hardcore grinder collectors get their super rare skin. The rest get our exotic skins. And Anet wins all round, via the Gems>gold exchange and BLTC.
We’ve only been given access to one act… which awards a unique back piece that can be transmuted to higher level gear…. let me add that it is visible, and I am currently rocking it on my level 80.
We don’t even know what the quest rewards are for the other 3 acts yet… which are quite obviously designed to reward players who don’t want to gamble for the rare weapon skins….
The quests are exactly what you are requesting, a way to get unique halloween skins that a normal player can do to receive… I don’t understand how this is so easily overlooked.
What / Where is the unique back piece?
What / Where is the unique back piece?
Do the Quest where you find the 6 ghosts for act 1, you get a book which is a level 1 back piece. It is visible on you back when equipped like a backpack. I presume you will get similar items for each act.
I transmuted it onto my level 80 back piece I got from doing Personal Story.
Ah thanks; I got that; I didn’t notice it was a back item. That is very cool!
The stats aren’t great on its own, but thats why transmutation stones exist.
I personally feel like I’m from the movie “Book of Eli” with it on.
I still think and encourage Anet to allow the ability to buy skins via Gems directly from Anet at about $5~$15 a weapon skin or $10~20 for a full costume set.
I think it will keep 1. bring about alot of happy people and 2. get Anet alot of money 3. provide an easier alternative for people that do not want to gamble and do not have the time and effort to farm super rares.
so you guys want this to be a Cash Shoppers game?
cool story bro!
Well , i already saw a few of the future skins , or at least people said they are future skins of the event they data mined.
To be honest , saying that we wont get skins is unfair , it is too early , there are 3 acts to go, and by looks of the skins i saw … they are amazing.
How we get those? I dont know.
But dont think you wont get skins , just chill and wait more acts.
(This got nothing to do with the RNG fiasco Anet made)
Gadnep, that’s just it… if they’re available in the store… they no longer are super rare. Even in GW1 there were items that had INSANE low drop rates, lower than this (mini polar bear anyone???) and they cost INSANE amounts of money. It’s nothing new. There are lots of other items available. There’s an everlasting tonic that has a rare chance to drop from ToT bags along with tonics and the like and as others have mentioned there’s also the back piece gotten from Act 1 (ahem of 4) that is useful and can be transmuted. These few skins do not make up the event and people are blowing this way beyond what it had to be.
and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”