Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kermit.1753


I always used recount or dmg meters in WoW to make sure I was being as effective as possible. Now I realize this is a different game, and that I will need to survive alot more than just standing in one spot spamming my best abilities, but I would still like to be able to measure theoretical dps builds on dummies and in dungeons by having something measure the amount of dmg i do as well as my parties’. Just a want of mine, not necesarriily going to drive me back to WoW if you don’t put it in, I just don’t see why not.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zeffy.3984



I refuse to go back to getting stuck grouping with idiots whokittenaround in the fire because they’re too busy trying to top the DPS chart.

Seriously, no. A thousand times no. Don’t tell me this won’t happen because it will. I don’t care about the people who will use it properly, because there are just too many people who will abuse it.

Not to mention, keeping yourself alive and avoiding damage is a million times more important than just standing there mashing buttons for big numbers. A DPS meter would in NO way be an accurate measure of anything in this game.

Zeffy | Asuran Guardian~

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

I wouldn’t mind it. An overall good player is just that – all round quality gamer. Does good amount of DPS and has high survivability. I vote yes, but I can understand why some oppose the idea.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kerigolas.8263


I like the idea of having an NPC like the Master of Damage in GW1

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: anzenketh.3759


They do have a combat lot. It would be nice to have the NPC master of damage like in Guild Wars 1. They don’t want you to play the UI however. Personally if it is only for testing builds I think the Master of damage will suit it’s purpose.

In Game: Storm Bluff Isle — Anzz, Anzenketh Kyoto

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spawn.7014


please no DPS meaters. this game will fail just as fast as wow if you do. oh player X is kicked due to not being good enough DPS. this will kill the guard class due to being the lowist DPS in the game.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

Because WoW failed, rofl?

Yeah I heard Blizzard went bankrupt. They can’t even afford the rent anymore. :/

Some people and their statements, seriously…

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maddeth.5893


Another NO vote here. Thank you.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wightnoise.8405


Got to vote no again from me sorry,

DPS meters work well in games that support a Tank/Healer/DPS role but in GW2 its far too based on survival not on who can smack the hardest, putting a DPS meter in would only encourage players to ignore survival tactics and just spam DPS then those who do not and play safe would be moaned and mocked by other players who have high DPS, would just cause too much player arguing.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Account.9832


While I think real-time DPS meters tend to take the focus away from the game, I would like a way to export combat logs to have them analysed after fights, preferably including healing (which is currently not listed in the combat log at all). I want to see how often my traits are actually triggering and from what, as sometimes I get the feeling that they’re not working at all in situations where they should.

- Al Zheimer

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

No to a DPS meter, but I have no problem with an after action report.

In fact, I’d like an actual log parser so i can see what I’m doing and improve on it.

But it’s really not anyone’s business but my own.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: unliketea.4831


While I think real-time DPS meters tend to take the focus away from the game, I would like a way to export combat logs to have them analysed after fights, preferably including healing (which is currently not listed in the combat log at all). I want to see how often my traits are actually triggering and from what, as sometimes I get the feeling that they’re not working at all in situations where they should.

great idea, here.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: dwlovell.7045


I dont care what you call it (logs or meters), but I would like a tool that allows me to swap out gear with differing stats, swap my traits out and see which stats contribute best to my performance, wether it be dps, healing, absorption, avoidance, etc.

Just because some bad players/guilds used dps meters to make bad decisions, does not mean the other 99% of the value of those meters is invalid. Stop playing with anti-social people, join a guild, make friends and dps meters dont matter. Every game I have played with a dps meter, our guild would help out players with bad dps stats, without those meters, we would not have really known how to help them.

DPS meters dont ruin games, anti-social players do. Those players will be just as rude without the meters. Dont punish everyone because of some bad eggs.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dinks.2478


I think Anet doesn’t want a dps meter because it becomes too much of a “you don’t do enough dps, /kick” kind of thing

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sartheris.8456


Why? This isn’t WOW where there are DPS-only roles and they must perform perfectly their role. Here we do all the roles and it wouldnt matter if someone had 10k dps and the other one had 5k dps, because the other guy could’ve been doing other stuff, like supporting, debuffing, buffing, running away dodging kitten…

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


This would encourage elitism. Go back to WoW if you want that.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: DethLocke.6170


I also vote no on this Idea. We already have people ingame demanding to see your equipment pretending to know every build of every class and how you play it, this would just make that mentality worse.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galdethriel.7524


I vote absolutely NO for this. Keep those pesky DPS metres away from my precious GW2!

With the removal of the Holy Trinity it wouldn’t reflect effectiveness in battle at all, anyway. How’s a DPS metre going to show you that that player stopped attacking the boss in order to stack buffs on the party, or help a fallen player, or whatever other job it wouldn’t measure? Victory in GW2 isn’t about ignoring all else to focus on what numbers you can hit; you’d probably actually die a lot more that way. But despite that you can’t escape the fact that people will use metres like this to judge players. It presents a completely skewed and inaccurate view of battle competence and would only bring harm.

Embrace simplicity! :D

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arterus.8163


Quote Dwlovell: “DPS meters dont ruin games, anti-social players do. Those players will be just as rude without the meters. Dont punish everyone because of some bad eggs.”

Couldn’t agree more.

There are a thousand reasons why a detailed combat log/dps meter parse of some kind is useful.

This DOES breed ‘you cant join our group because you don’t do enough DPS!’

Answer: Dont play with those children find an adult group to play with!

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


Quote Dwlovell: “DPS meters dont ruin games, anti-social players do. Those players will be just as rude without the meters. Dont punish everyone because of some bad eggs.”

Couldn’t agree more.

There are a thousand reasons why a detailed combat log/dps meter parse of some kind is useful.

This DOES breed ‘you cant join our group because you don’t do enough DPS!’

Answer: Dont play with those children find an adult group to play with!

Except almost EVERYONE will act that way, making groups much harder to find.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arterus.8163


DavidGX, I will treat your argument the way you treated mine:

Absolute RUBBISH! Not one single person in my guild would behave in that way, so that leads on naturally to… NOT ‘everyone’ will act that way. Just the children.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


DavidGX, I will treat your argument the way you treated mine:

Absolute RUBBISH! Not one single person in my guild would behave in that way, so that leads on naturally to… NOT ‘everyone’ will act that way. Just the children.

You obviously don’t have much experience with the internet and/or online communities if you really believe that most people WOULDN’T act that way. I’m glad you have such a good guild, but that changes nothing.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arterus.8163


Since you mention it, I have been playing MMO’s and dealing with online communities since 1999 and Everquest 1. I am a veteran I guess you could say, although I dont ‘claim’ to really be anything. I have lead guilds in Everquest 1 (successful raiding) Everquest 2 (successful raiding) Star Wars (successful raiding) and now Guild Wars 2. (no raids to do.. but hey we can hope :P)

I pride myself on not allowing people like that anywhere near me, or my guild of friends. Its narrow minded, self centered, and unfortunately (like you point out) WIDE spread.

That doesn’t mean that ANYONE has to put up with it. I never have in over 10 years of online gaming. So If i’ve managed to block it, ignore it, move away from it then so can everyone else.

Sure, I’ve been on the end of it, and dealt with it when I HAD to. but honestly, you must be surrounding yourself with the wrong people, because in my mind, MMO folk are decent!.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

Rehashed Jibe Tube.7102

i could support tools that let you see your own performance. you want to min/max your way to wherever it takes you, go ahead. But i’ve never seen any tools that give real time info on another players performance do anything good for a game.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


but honestly, you must be surrounding yourself with the wrong people, because in my mind, MMO folk are decent!.

I surround myself with the people in online games, which are usually the wrong people. It’s good to know that people with huge guilds will be fine, but for the rest of us this would be terrible.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


Dummies on Mists and in Lions arch that measure dps ? that would allow us to test out what build packs the biggest punch yet not use add ons or destroy teamplay.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

Can the chat window be logged? If so then you can log a tab that just has the combat info in it and parse the log file with an app you write that calculates the DPS outside of the game.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: burnhouse.9201


Would really appreciate this as well. I’ve never played WoW nor ever will, but the tooltips in this game are laughably vague. It’d be nice to know what my skills are actually doing by having what we from other games call a parse in which I can have a spreadsheet of what’s doing what and how often.