(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Elementalist: Effect on Heal -trait needed.
Don’t you have a spell for that? Glyph of renewal i think?
The per-attunement sounds good to me, though I disagree with the “everyone else has it” mentality. Everyone but engineers get signets—it’s just a uniqueness of the class. Lacking one specific thing is a much better way to create such uniqueness than having one specific thing no one else does.
Don’t you have a spell for that? Glyph of renewal i think?
Ah, that is true. Duplicating Glyph of Elemental Harmony is probably a bad idea.
Well the reasons don’t really matter, I think if you have a short cooldown heal, then
it is just really nice to be able to empower such a heal with a trait. I would use the
runes that give on-heal bonuses, but they are not that great.
Maybe a 3 or 4 second Fire Shield on heal, tier 1 Fire Magic?
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Elementalists already give a whole lot of boons (SWitching atunements, Glyph of renewal etc,,, Depending on your traits) as it is and as far as ether renewal goes it Removes a condition for every pulse (Second) that the skill is active 3-5 secs.? idk never paid much attention when I have 10-15 condis on me). I play an Ele as a main and I believe that giving additional boons to this class with the heal would make them even more OP than they are (If played right anyways).
Pandabear Senpai Lv80 Guardian CMD
Charizard Senpai Lv80 Ranger CMD
Elementalists haven’t been OP since they got overnerfstomped during beta, they
are all glass but no cannon.
There is more to the game than just running staff zerker in tpvp to provide aoe
damage and then dying within a split second after being targeted. Or playing a
bunker that does no damage what so ever and doesn’t do anything but just stand
there and be hard to kill. It is at the inbetween, where playing is actually fun, that
elementalist is lacking, of course not just the elementalist.
I wish anet would look at the whole game content when considering skill balance,
rather than only at tpvp. Maybe they should just completely separate the two.
(edited by Zsymon.8457)
Every time you use a skill with Signet of Restoration on passive, it counts as using a heal skill. A trait that triggered every time would be OP.
Well the reasons don’t really matter, I think if you have a short cooldown heal, then
it is just really nice to be able to empower such a heal with a trait. I would use the
runes that give on-heal bonuses, but they are not that great.Maybe a 3 or 4 second Fire Shield on heal, tier 1 Fire Magic?
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Every time you use a skill with Signet of Restoration on passive, it counts as using a heal skill. A trait that triggered every time would be OP.
I believe it only counts as using a heal skill when you activate the skill, not when it’s passive. I will have to re-check but last I looked that’s the way it worked.
“They say you are what you eat.
Which is funny ‘cause I don’t remember eating a f.ing legend”