Elementalist Weapon Swap

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Markador.9683


I’ve started carrying two different weapon loadouts with me and I thought that if Elementalists were able to swap weapons but only OUT of combat, it would make things a little easier, more efficient, and open up 1-2 item slots in inventory. It wouldn’t allow Elementalists to do anything that they aren’t supposed to in regards to weapon swapping in combat.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuzzi.2198


I think this is a good suggestion.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


Elementalists already have 4 sets of skills they can switch to on the fly vs 2 for other classes.

I would only +1 this IF other classes are also given extra out of combat weapon swap slots. Otherwise it would create lots of QQ.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skylord.9702


Clearly you dont understand elementalist – go read up more about your class – each time you change attunement – arenanet c it as a weapon change!

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: incisorr.9502


would be too OP

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


@Skylord: The idea is allowing elementalists one OUT OF COMBAT weapon swap. This has nothing to do with attunements counting as weapon changes, we know this

@NinjaKnight: Adding out of combat slots to the in-combat weapon swap slots would probably confuse pretty much everyone who doesn’t play elementalist/engineer, but I guess that could be done if it’s deemed as making the playing field more even. It also doesn’t enable skill changes on the fly since you’d have to wait until you’re out of combat to do anything.

Anyways, +1 and extend the courtesy to engineers, since I think they’re in the same situation with being locked into one weapon set. I believe this was suggested on the GW2Guru forums as well, and it seemed to have been supported by most.

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
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Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Axis Rahl.2584

Axis Rahl.2584

+1 and I don’t even play an elementalist.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


An out of combat option? I see no problem with that… It’s the same thing as opening the bag, and dragging some weapons around. Just less hassle.

The only problem I see is that it would be confusing for new players. They can change weapons with other classes in combat, but not this one (or engis), so it would be a bit weird. Other than that, no issues.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


NinjaKnight, this would be a purely quality of life change, it’s not as if it could affect PvP or even PvE to a significant extent since you’d need to be OoC.

not only that, but elemenalists and enineers have, in effect, 2 less inventory slots compared to other characters.

I usually use S/D, but for group events I like to go staff.
at the moment, there is nothing stopping me from opening my inventory and just equipping the staff, but other classes can do it with a single button press, and then I need to make sure I don’t salvage or sell my dagger, since going from a MH/OH to a 2H dumps the OH into the first available spot in your bags.

in the case of engineers i’d actually argue for an IN combat weapon switch, the “kits act as weapons” only applies if you use kits, if you’re focused on turrets or elixirs, you are being punished for using something you don’t use

Skylord, you’re missing the point, he’s asking for an out of combat weapon switch so we wouldn’t lose our other stuff in our bags, and won’t have to rummage around for the offhand everytime we feel like using a different weapon.
it will have no effect on DPS in either PvE or PvP (except maybe making them slightly harder to sneak up on because we won’t have our heads in our bags)

incisorr, read it again and learn what Out of Combat means

(edited by Calcifire.1864)

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


ExTribble, read it again and learn what Out of Combat means

Umm… what? I know what it means. Was I unclear in my post? O.o

“Any lump can hack bad guys to death, but it takes skill
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meret.5943


I co-signed the other thread about this.. I will co-sign this one too! Hate hanging back from joining the battle while I find the weapons I want to use.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


ExTribble, read it again and learn what Out of Combat means

Umm… what? I know what it means. Was I unclear in my post? O.o

gah, sorry, wrong person, that’ll teach me to be a sarcastic git when it’s late :P

I was supposed to be directing that at incisorr :P

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


As long as the swap icon disappears from the UI while in combat (while the UI gets that yellowish fuzzy border), and the swap weapon command and button doesn’t work. it’ll be fine.

I’d love to be able to set two weapons to swap while in NOT in combat. Sometimes I want to use staff to run between places, but other weapons to do things for fun, and it gets quite annoying having to swap all the time, since I keep the weapons in an invisible bag, and when I swap to staff the offhand weapon ends in an equipment bag, and I have to rearrange the inventory each time.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

I’d support this too, but not just for Elementalist. Having additional weapon sets available out of combat shouldn’t hurt combat balance, and would help ease inventory shuffle. As a ranger I often like to have two specific sets to swap between for certain content areas, and have two different sets to swap between for other areas. Going into the Hero pane to shift things around isn’t the end of the world of course, but it is a hassle that could easily be remedied.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Passiflora.2047


I’d love this! I normally use a scepter/dagger while running around the world, though for DE’s I find the staff to be superior. But it is a pain opening the UI and wading through my inventory to change my weapon whenever I run into a DE (when there are often swarms of mobs on my screen and I should be, y’know, paying attention to my surroundings). And then there’s remembering to change it back when the DE is over, nevermind that some DE’s have a chain thing going on and so I might have to just switch back to my staff again anyway. xD

Not a huge deal, but out of combat weapon swap on Elementalist would be really nice to have. And for Engineers too, I dunno how they work but it sounds like they could benefit from it too.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Well, it would almost make sense for Engineers, but honestly, they only have 3 possible loadouts. 2 of them are condition dealers and 1 is a DD. You wouldn’t have very much swapping between them :P
Still, would be WONDERFUL to have this for an ele.
Also I cringe every time someone who has no idea what they’re talking about claims that attunement swap is just as good as a weapon swap.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dead Parrot.1973

Dead Parrot.1973

Attunement swap <> weapon swap. That said, I would like several sets of load-out boxes where I could put various weapons sets. They could even continue to use inventory slots. BUT, while in the load out boxes, they could not be sold or salvaged. I have lost a couple of best I had at the time but not equipped weapons during an inventory clean out. There could be a check box to indicate/select the active set. You should be able to assign the same weapon to multiple sets. Set1( Dagger1 + Dagger2), Set 2(Scepter1 + Dagger1), Set 3(Scepter1 + Focus1) …

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Maybe we can give it a long CD, such as 180 seconds, so it can be useful in some solo fights against veteran mobs or in location that you have definitely no ranged merits that you need to use daggers suddenly.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Even better would be slots for every single weapon in the inventory.
Another icon in the equipment panel would open the ‘armory’ panel, replacing the 4+2/2+1 weapon slots we currently have.
The armory panel would have a slot for every weapon the profession can equip. If a weapon can be placed in either hand, then they’ll get two slots, as main hand and as offhand.

Then, while out of combat, right click the weapon swap button, and you get the quick weapon select panel: a list of all icons of all equipped weapons, with two checkboxes: one for main set, and one for alternate set.
Alternatively, it could be two borders or half borders around the icon (e.g.: red and blue), and click would select themfor main set, and right click for alternate set.

Left click the swap icon or press the weapon swap buton, and the weapons (and checkboxes in the panel) swap, just as they work now.
For Elementalists and Engineers, this swap would be available also, but not during combat.

Then you could get and store a weapon of each type, and quickly change them out of combat with a couple of clicks, even quicker between the two selected sets with a click or keypress.
And normally like now for all professions.

The downside? If for some reason you want to equip 4 axes, you would not be able to do that. So, instead, there could be several free-form slots instead one per weapon, or i addition to one per weapon.

No exceptions!

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: SpicyUrn.3408


Rather than flat out giving eles a weapon swap, which would add another 20 skills onto their already long list, what about changing weapon conjures to function as a weapon swap as I suggested in this thread?


This would give eles the versatility of a weapon swap, but only add 5 skills, while at the same time providing more use for the somewhat dubiously useful weapon conjure skills.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


Rather than flat out giving eles a weapon swap, which would add another 20 skills onto their already long list, what about changing weapon conjures to function as a weapon swap as I suggested in this thread?


This would give eles the versatility of a weapon swap, but only add 5 skills, while at the same time providing more use for the somewhat dubiously useful weapon conjure skills.

or, you could read the tread and realize we’re talking about OUT OF COMBAT weapon swapping, it will have no functional difference between openining your bags and looking for the weapons, it would just save us five seconds before and after every DE, and open up the additional 2 inventory spaces other classes get to enjoy

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Replect.3407


I started a thread these days about additional weapon sets for easier weapon changes out of combat and probably a more clean inventory as a possible side effect!

Give it a shot for a more detailed post! You probably gonna like it! :-)

(edited by Replect.3407)

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rage The Numbers.7943

Rage The Numbers.7943

Agreed. Please add this feature.

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Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

would be too OP

Keep inventory open – switch weapons out of combat.

Too op?

It’s actually understandable imo, I was weapon swapping this way in beta, and I’m almost positive I was doing it during combat which isn’t possible now.

However you can weap swap out of combat still by using inventory.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Elementalist Weapon Swap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Estriella Faerie.4029

Estriella Faerie.4029

+1 to an OUT OF COMBAT switch.

And some people here should really learn to at least read the OP post, not just the thread’s title, before replying…