Elementalist able to weapon swap ?
Even though I would love to be able to swap between my Staff and Scepter/Dagger, I understand that people would flip out because “Elementalists already have 20 weapon skills while everybody else got only 10”. We would end up getting nerfed to the ground so it would be worse for us in the long run.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Even though I would love to be able to swap between my Staff and Scepter/Dagger, I understand that people would flip out because “Elementalists already have 20 weapon skills while everybody else got only 10”. We would end up getting nerfed to the ground so it would be worse for us in the long run.
Yeah, I’ve heard that theory before.
Thanks for the reply.
Same as Engi. We have enough skills to compensate the lack of weapon swapping.
So you want 40+ skills while the rest of us gets 10 skills?
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Using a staff as a example:
The Elementalist staff has 5 abilities for each form of magic. But they all play nearly the same way.
Choosing what magic to put your traits in limits a player two only one or two types of useful magic.
Also the type of magic doesn’t seem to affect enemies differently. I think it should but it would mean reworking how traits work. And it add more complexity to boss fight.
So you want 40+ skills while the rest of us gets 10 skills?
Traits cut this down to 10-20 useful skills based on what build the Elementalis is using.
elementalist is balanced across no weapon swap… he got more swaps (4 attu vs 2 weapons), he got even different themes, like some healing in water, some def in earth etc… the only disadvantage is not being able to work with 2 different ranges and longer cooldown… you cant change anythign without changing others… and when you consider its eles class mechanic, you cant just take it away and give him 2 weapons without attunements and not add something new, it would be just too much work for nothing…
Look at the image. Traits limit the Elementalist in useful skills.
Look at the image. Traits limit the Elementalist in useful skills.
Doesn’t matter, switching from staff to dagger mid combat will still make him OP regardless of a couple of traits as his close range attacks become faster. As it is elementalists already have the most skills available at any one point, doubling that would seriously impact balance and complexity. There’s a good reason why eles can’t have two weapons at once, cause they already have four attunements.
Whatever the theory craft. I think a-nets specific stated intent to design eles without the ability to weapon swap probably mean they won’t change it. especially since they also stated that they designed the classes around arch types they had in mind.
Look at the image. Traits limit the Elementalist in useful skills.
Doesn’t matter, switching from staff to dagger mid combat will still make him OP regardless of a couple of traits as his close range attacks become faster. As it is elementalists already have the most skills available at any one point, doubling that would seriously impact balance and complexity. There’s a good reason why eles can’t have two weapons at once, cause they already have four attunements.
There is no imbalance when Elementalist have to pay to reset their traits.
Only one to two of the four attunements are even useful.
Another reason for a swap is a place to store a exotic.
Look at the image. Traits limit the Elementalist in useful skills.
Doesn’t matter, switching from staff to dagger mid combat will still make him OP regardless of a couple of traits as his close range attacks become faster. As it is elementalists already have the most skills available at any one point, doubling that would seriously impact balance and complexity. There’s a good reason why eles can’t have two weapons at once, cause they already have four attunements.
There is no imbalance when Elementalist have to pay to reset their traits.
Only one to two of the four attunements are even useful.
Another reason for a swap is a place to store a exotic.
A good elementalist uses ALL skills, not just the few he traited. Each skills can be good in different situations, and even though he isn’t traited in water doesn’t mean he should never use water to heal allies for example, adding another weapon set doubles his already too big potential.
Look at the image. Traits limit the Elementalist in useful skills.
Doesn’t matter, switching from staff to dagger mid combat will still make him OP regardless of a couple of traits as his close range attacks become faster. As it is elementalists already have the most skills available at any one point, doubling that would seriously impact balance and complexity. There’s a good reason why eles can’t have two weapons at once, cause they already have four attunements.
There is no imbalance when Elementalist have to pay to reset their traits.
Only one to two of the four attunements are even useful.
Another reason for a swap is a place to store a exotic.
A good elementalist uses ALL skills, not just the few he traited. Each skills can be good in different situations, and even though he isn’t traited in water doesn’t mean he should never use water to heal allies for example, adding another weapon set doubles his already too big potential.
I would have to try playing that way. But I still need a swap at least in the hero panel to store my other exotics.
But I still need a swap at least in the hero panel to store my other exotics.
buy more bag slots and invisible bags and store what you like, it will never display to sell by vendor problem solved and you will be able to story even more exotics, not only 2
just give me out of combat weapon swapping pls
just give me out of combat weapon swapping pls
and give everyone else 4 weapons out of combat swap right? because that would need to be done to keep it balanced… 4 attunements and 2 out of combat wepons vs 2 weapon sets and 4 out of combat weapons
But I still need a swap at least in the hero panel to store my other exotics.
buy more bag slots and invisible bags and store what you like, it will never display to sell by vendor
problem solved and you will be able to story even more exotics, not only 2
That’s not the point! Equipping and re-equipping changes the data for the location of the weapon. If the server crashes while moving a exotic. There is a chance that it will be lost.
You can’t really balance around server crashes, when does that even happen :p
I switch weapons out of combat pretty easily anyway, just don’t carry too much random crap :p
Anyway there is a thread for every class including the Elementalist.
I use to think that weapon-swapping would be too powerful for elementalist too but I’m starting to reconsider because of the nature of combat. I’m used to switching from short to long range attacks mid-battle as needed but I just can’t do that on an elementalist. Conjured weapons don’t fix the problem as they’re are too many variables involved in them. Sometimes I’ve been downed as soon as I make one and end up losing it. Other times someone else pics up my spare when I need it. There’s also the time and use limits. It’s just a convoluted mess.
I feel that weapon-swapping can be balanced for elementalist by making it a signet. The passive could allow weapon swapping while in one attunement but lock out all others while in battle. The active would allow one swap but then lock attunements again. This would encourage more diverse builds and make some sense of so many traits that require being in a specific attunement to work.
Not all skills need to be super damaging to be effective. They could spec in staff for strong support, then switch to s/d or d/d and bust out a ton of cc/heavy hits/conditions. Big no to ele weapon swap no matter what. Ooc maybe, but that should be allowed for every profession (so we don’t have to dig in our inventory to swap weapons, have a tab of ooc weapon sets. This would be for all 8 professions).
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
So you want 40+ skills while the rest of us gets 10 skills?
Nope, I don’t have an Elementalist at the time, I’m currently only playing Warrior and Guardian.
I just thought it would be cool if switching between those weapons would be cool.
Thanks for the reply.
I use to think that weapon-swapping would be too powerful for elementalist too but I’m starting to reconsider because of the nature of combat. I’m used to switching from short to long range attacks mid-battle as needed but I just can’t do that on an elementalist. Conjured weapons don’t fix the problem as they’re are too many variables involved in them. Sometimes I’ve been downed as soon as I make one and end up losing it. Other times someone else pics up my spare when I need it. There’s also the time and use limits. It’s just a convoluted mess.
I feel that weapon-swapping can be balanced for elementalist by making it a signet. The passive could allow weapon swapping while in one attunement but lock out all others while in battle. The active would allow one swap but then lock attunements again. This would encourage more diverse builds and make some sense of so many traits that require being in a specific attunement to work.
And this is what my concern is. It seems to me that when enemies get close, swapping to Double Daggers would be a better choice than engaging the enemy with, lets say, the staff.
Now I’ve never played Elementalist so I’m simply going by observation and what other Elementalist players have spoken about.
Now I’ve never played Elementalist so I’m simply going by observation and what other Elementalist players have spoken about.
So wait, you’re suggesting major class changes to a class you’ve never even tried playing?
I had to double check to make sure I wasn’t in the thief forum.
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
Now I’ve never played Elementalist so I’m simply going by observation and what other Elementalist players have spoken about.
So wait, you’re suggesting major class changes to a class you’ve never even tried playing?
I had to double check to make sure I wasn’t in the thief forum.
Well the answer to this question is obvious. Gotta love these guys who attempt to start arguments on internet forums.
Thanks for the reply, it made me chuckle.
Well the answer to this question is obvious. Gotta love these guys who attempt to start arguments on internet forums.
Thanks for the reply, it made me chuckle.
I’m not trying to start an argument, I’m just wondering where you’re getting your ideas from if you haven’t played the class?
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
well tbh staff isn’t really hard hitting, its more of support, but if eles were able to use say a D/D and staff build then they pretty much would have more QQ potential for getting out of fights than a thief has.
and theives wouldn’t like that since them and warriors are the only class that can do no wrong
Staff Ele is probably the worst build in the game right now. It’s only good if you stay way way way back behind the zerg.
Now, if staff had a few melee options within those 40 redundant skills, it might be more useful. I mean really, go grab a broom stick and walk around outdoors with it. Watch what you’ll do intuitively. Now ask yourself, are any of those things in the game? Nope……
No. Just no.
Before you go ranting at me just know that my main is an elementalist.
Formerly: Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
Only one to two of the four attunements are even useful.
this statement would lead me to believe you don’t really play your ele to its fullest potential.
it’s said that it’s easy to learn any of the gw2 professions, but difficult to play any of them “well.” for the elementalist, as well as the engineer, i’d certainly stake a bet that that’s the truth.
if you don’t respond to a given situation by being able to fluidly flip attunements as the situation requires, you simply aren’t playing your elementalist to its fullest potential.
(edited by Isende.2607)
It isn’t about the skills. Elementalists really should have a weapon swap, because after the mist form, ride the lightning, and countless other nerfs, why should a d/d be stuck in close-range combat with very low survivability and not be able to back off and hit things from a range? It’s rather a stupid concept, and I play every class, so there’s no bias here.
Those were necessary nerfs, because of how broken they were in spvp/tpvp. They still have good survivability, its just not FARRR superior to everyone elses now. Ele isn’t as versatile as engineer since they can pull the kit out whenever but its either high dps or high support with powerful/useful aoes. You can’t get the best of both worlds…
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Those were necessary nerfs, because of how broken they were in spvp/tpvp. They still have good survivability, its just not FARRR superior to everyone elses now. Ele isn’t as versatile as engineer since they can pull the kit out whenever but its either high dps or high support with powerful/useful aoes. You can’t get the best of both worlds…
I’m not going to argue whether or not they were necessary nerfs for PvP, but they were definitely not necessary for PvE. It’s really a stupid concept to have to be in close range if that’s what you initiate combat in or to have to stay at long range if that’s what you start with. That’s like saying you’ll give the warrior greatsword and axe/mace for every situation.
I want weapon swapping, but only out of combat.
Major support.
I think ALL professions should be allowed the ability to weapon swap. I really don’t understand why some professions are refused this basic option.
I really don’t understand why some professions are refused this basic option.
Only the engineer and the elementalist are because their kits and attunements take the place of weapon swap.
I really don’t understand why some professions are refused this basic option.
Only the engineer and the elementalist are because their kits and attunements take the place of weapon swap.
But it really doesn’t for elementalist. Engi, kinda, because the kits have different ranges. With ele, you’re stuck at the range of your weapon, which is pretty dumb.
I wouldn’t want an in-combat weapon swap. Eles are fine without that. The only thing I’d want is an out-of-combat swap, mainly because I get tired of swapping between weapon sets based on what I’m planning on running into.
Like when I’m running with a small group in WvW I’ll play with a set I might use in SPvP in case we run into another small group. If I’m at a keep I’ll switch to staff so I can faceroll some aoes. It’s just easier to hit the tilde instead of digging through my bags.
And yes, I know, I can get fancy bags and organize my stuff, but seriously. My inventory is so full, no matter how I set it up it’s going to be a pain to find.
And on the note of D/D survivability: I don’t have issues playing my ele in SPvP. If it isn’t working for you, set up your traits and armor differently. I stroll around with ~20k hp and do fine. If I run into things that give me issues some days, I might switch to D/F MAYBE, if the extra defense would be worth it. But given that SPvP isn’t just 1v1s everywhere sometimes it’s not a big deal.
You have auras and combos and a bit of healing. Honestly if you play right, you shouldn’t have many issues unless you’re being focused.
But it really doesn’t for elementalist. Engi, kinda, because the kits have different ranges. With ele, you’re stuck at the range of your weapon, which is pretty dumb.
I don’t think they’re looking at ranges as different weapons because some classes can eqip two sets of same range weapons. I think they’re more looking at the options you get from two sets of weapons. Using ele daggers for example, they can single target/aoe/cone aoe/port to target/heal/cc/etc.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
At the very least I would want a “out of combat weapon swap”. Even if it had a 10m-20m cooldown.
Elementalists have the best weapons swap ever…. There elements. You know those count as weapon swaps towards weapon sigils. Thats 4 weapon swaps for you sigil and 20 skills instead of 10. Win!
Elementalists have the best weapons swap ever…. There elements. You know those count as weapon swaps towards weapon sigils. Thats 4 weapon swaps for you sigil and 20 skills instead of 10. Win!
You Know this post is about having a place in the hero panel to equip more than one weapon.
Why should Elementalists have to use more bag space to store their favorite weapons? And why should Elementalists have go through the extra trouble to swap their favorite weapons from their bag?
Elementalists NEED a swap in the hero panel! Their could be a long cooldown if need necessary.
This is really a quality of life issue. All classes have to use bag or bank space to store gear that isn’t currently equipped. And all classes have to go through the same switch to equip weapons that aren’t equipped. So either a-net allows weapon toggle for all equipable items for every class no matter how many weapons a class can use and it just becomes more bag space or they only allow weapon swap for chosen weapons intended to be used regularly. My view is that bag space is bag space so the ele ooc weapon swap isn’t needed.
I think Ele’s need an out-of-combat swap. In-combat would be ridiculous, but I think to solve the range issue, a Conjured Weapon rework is necessary. I propose splitting conjured weapons into two versions; the one you spawn on the ground and the one you give to yourself. The one you spawn on the ground continues working as-is. The one you give yourself has no charges and no time limits and would work sorta similar to engie kits. I’d also see the addition of a melee-range conjured weapon and an across the board increase in damage and overall usefulness of each conjured weapon. ANet has stated that they’re disappointed in how conjured weapons turned out and that they’re not filling the role they had in mind. So why not knock two birds out with one stone? Give my D/D ele an option to back up and use a Frost Bow from range when I need to get away from a boss and give my friend’s staff ele a melee option as well. As these abilities occupy utility slots, I don’t see how it’d be all that unfair.
Oh, and Fiery Greatsword stays the same on both the spawned version and the one you give yourself. Permanent FGS would be completely ridiculous to say the least. ^^
The thing is:
weapon swapping for ele would be very op since you would have to many skills to spam resulting in easy nuking. What elementalists need is out of combat weapon swap, its so annoying especially in WvW if you play double dagger and you have to swap to staff, you have to look for it in the backpack and always keep in mind not to accidentally sell it to the vendor.
If they would make the different attunements work different ways, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Specifically, on staff, it should be:
Fire: Heavy AoE damage.
Air: Heavy single target damage
Water: Serious CC and healing. Serious CC isn’t only 5 seconds on 5 targets. Skill 1,2 and 4 should all apply conditions – long lasting AoE conditions. Not a wimpy heal, a vulnerability that always misses, and pitiful duration chilled. bleh.
Earth: CC and serious protection – not one (ONE!) skill to protect, and pitifully short lived CC.
S/D is actually fairly decent at maintaining it’s desired range – ie: melee to short range.
D/D is still stupidly survivable, so I’ll be content if they stop balancing the entire class around one spec!
Those were necessary nerfs, because of how broken they were in spvp/tpvp. They still have good survivability, its just not FARRR superior to everyone elses now. Ele isn’t as versatile as engineer since they can pull the kit out whenever but its either high dps or high support with powerful/useful aoes. You can’t get the best of both worlds…
I’m not going to argue whether or not they were necessary nerfs for PvP, but they were definitely not necessary for PvE. It’s really a stupid concept to have to be in close range if that’s what you initiate combat in or to have to stay at long range if that’s what you start with. That’s like saying you’ll give the warrior greatsword and axe/mace for every situation.
sorry, i must disagree with you, for two good reasons:
i have a guildie who playes d/d ele in EVERY encounter, and there are encounters he walks away from and brings the rest of US up from downed states. so he knows his profession and his build well enough to do that. i choose to play a staff on mine because i prefer playing a more supportive role in dungeons, but he does some pretty hawt damage AND maintains his life.
the second reason is that the ele design forces you to choose, per fight. period. that’s it. you have to know your profession, your build, the strengths and weaknesses of that build/profession, to be effective at it. you don’t like being “forced” to choose for short and close fights or ranged? don’t play an elementalist.
ele is by far one of the most versatile and complex profession/classes i’ve ever seen, and i stand by my statement above: you can play it, but it takes work to play it well.
i disagree with changes that are made in pve due to pvp needs. i disagree with them more than i can possibly iterate. but i also know that if you don’t take the time to learn what IS vs what you think SHOULD BE you are handicapping yourself and, if you play with friends, your team.
You Know this post is about having a place in the hero panel to equip more than one weapon.
Why should Elementalists have to use more bag space to store their favorite weapons?
elementalists do NOT have to use more bag space to store their favorite weapons. the people who drive them and choose to play more than one set choose to store these additional sets. you’re talking your convenience in spite of the way anet designed the profession.
here’s something to think about, though: i run my thief with d/d and p/p sets, and also carry a shortbow on her for certain situations. i CHOOSE to carry that shortbow in her bags rather than beg for a third place to carry it. my warrior runs s/a and hammer, and i also carry a rifle on her — again, for certain situations. guess what? my CHOICE to carry that third weapon. my guardian? she runs gs and m/f … and carries a staff. do i need to spell out every single character/profession i carry extra weapons on, or do you get the idea?
there is design, and there is convenience. forego convenience, and accept that design works as intended.
While I can sympathize with ele’s wanting out of combat weapon swapping, they are not the only ones who store extra weapons in their inventory. I would think most people carry more than just the weapons they use regularly and some people carry one of each type they use because they switch weapons according to what they need or just to change up combat. My guardian usually uses hammer and scepter/shield. But I also carry a staff, mace and a focus as I use them also. Whenever I need them I have to open up my inventory and look for them, as well as be careful not to sell them. So each profession has the problem the ele is claiming.