Elementalist off-the-beaten-path build help

Elementalist off-the-beaten-path build help

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadowshear.2095


So i’m getting my ele up to level 80, just hit 60 today. I want her to be a supportive healer but also deal damage through conditions. The obvious way to do this is to focus on Earth and Water trait lines.

My problem is that I can’t really find armor, runes, or a weapon set that would facilitate doing these two specs together, Staff is great support, but D/D is way better for conditions, (or even scepter) Staff has its fair share of bleeds, and a skill to cause burning, but nothing compared to what scepter and dagger can pump out. However, scepter and dagger builds lack the healing and supportiveness that the staff provides.

I’m a bit torn on how to achieve this build. What other stats can I sacrifice? I need rune suggestions, armor prefix suggestions, and weapon set suggestions, and perhaps traits too, but those seem to be a bit easier to figure. Or you could alternatively tell me that this combination of specs can’t be achieved and the build will suck no matter what.

I guess ultimately I have no idea what I’m doing with ele, and i need help for that.


Elementalist off-the-beaten-path build help

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sunflowers.1729


This should really be in the Elementalist forum (and it will probably be moved there soon), but you can consider the focus as an off-hand weapon. It provides a lot of supporting abilities.

I still wouldn’t consider playing a condition build, because once you swap out of Earth, you are left with only burning in Fire. It’s alright if you just want to PvE, I suppose.

Elementalist off-the-beaten-path build help

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadowshear.2095


yeah all it is is PvE, and I might be asking a bit much.

I apologize for posting in suggestions, it was after midnight and I was too tired to think of the obvious place to post.

Elementalist off-the-beaten-path build help

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turkashi.4502


put this indeed in ele section and you’ll get more awnser.
But for now: 0/10/0/30/30 or 0/10/10/30/20. Reason, the 30 water gives you oppertunity to cleans cond when they stay in your healing.
Gear use soldier (recommented: AC gear): high power (+ survavil) and runes are support healing runes.