Elite Armor

Elite Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illuminati.3089


As the title says, maybe add some new armor that requires a variety of rare T6 mats, account bound Mats, skill points, and dungeon tokens.

For example, if GW2 released obsidian armor and UW/FOW, players need to get dungeon tokens by completing dungeon, spend karma to get obby shards, spend gold to buy ectos/T6 mats, and farm champions/do specific quests for the account bound mats.

This way you need both money and time to get something rare, and can’t just buy it through the trading post.

Obviously UW/FOW might not ever be released, maybe add elite armor to dungeons existing already (would require more tokens, etc), or maybe even fractal armor (something else to use pristine relics on)—-

Elite Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illuminati.3089


Alright I guess they are doing something similar to what I just said but it’s called ascended. Never mind

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Elite Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tuomir.1830


I’d love for there to be the “normal” ascended armor that’s relatively easy to get, and then “elite” ascended armor, which would be much harder to get, but would have exactly the same stats as the “normal” ascended armor. However, I don’t really see that happening…

Only fools and heroes charge in without a plan.

Elite Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Manifibel.8420


I like the idea of having some armor that is really hard to get, and offers a unique look. +1

(Bring back Obsidian Ritualist armor look!)

Dungeons being about how fast you clear then compared to being able to clear them makes me sad.

Elite Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


When they improve the crafting limits onto 500, they even need to give us a lot of new skins that has mutch better look than the current ones.
Anyway, I’m still suggesting to craft-upgrade the armors.
GW1 had normal and elite versions of armors, and those was nice. ^^

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