Elite trait for completing a trait tier.
I wouldn’t mind another trait we get for completing a trait tree but the trait would have to be passive.
What I think would be cool is everyone gets a charge ability that adds 10 power/precision/vitality/toughness (depending on the trait tree you’ve completed) per charge with a maximum of 25 charges that reset upon death for every consecutive kill. Exactly like superior sigils but instead it works on a charge system so you can still use the sigils.
1. There’s already “a reason” to put 30 points in a stat. Access to the last set of traits.
2. This ends up punishing players who have builds that work better by diversifying their traits and forces them into certain builds instead of playing the way they want to.
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.
(edited by TheUnNamedHero.4167)
The last set of traits (at least for thieves) are pretty bad and not worth it bar a niche build though…but I see your point.
1. There’s already “a reason” to put 30 points in a stat. Access to the last set of traits.
2. This ends up punishing players who have builds that work better by diversifying their traits by forcing them into “cookie cutter” builds instead of playing the way they want to.
The last set of traits are typically worthless. Or at the very least for the classes that I have played so far. I often don’t even make a build with 30 points in one tier and instead spread 20 points around in random tiers. And I don’t see how this would drastically punish anymore than reward a player in terms of his build. This adds yet another ability to look forward to at 80. From
level 40+ you have the same old ability’s making your class completely repetitive there on. At least now when you hit level 80 you can get an elite trait skill rewarding you with a new ability to use. Something to support the play style you deem most suitable for you.
traits XI and XII are already commonly called “elite traits”, as they’re only accessible by getting 30 points on that trait line. i don’t see what you want here.
traits XI and XII are already commonly called “elite traits”, as they’re only accessible by getting 30 points on that trait line. i don’t see what you want here.
Hmm. I’ll say it again. When you get to level 80 and fill 30 pts into a tier you can get an Elite trait skill. Some thing you can actually use that can only be used for players who are level 80 and have filled one tree and chose the knew ability in that tier. Once gain an example for warrior filling 30 pts in arms tree allows him to use a bladestorm so to speak that does damage and apply’s bleeds to all enemy’s around him. The “Elite Trait Skill” can be placed directly to the right of the Elite Utility icon. And players will have something knew to look forward to when they hit 80. Instead of having the same rotation from level 40-80.
traits XI and XII are already commonly called “elite traits”, as they’re only accessible by getting 30 points on that trait line. i don’t see what you want here.
Special treatment at the cost of player customization of course.
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.
traits XI and XII are already commonly called “elite traits”, as they’re only accessible by getting 30 points on that trait line. i don’t see what you want here.
Hmm. I’ll say it again. When you get to level 80 and fill 30 pts into a tier you can get an Elite trait skill. Some thing you can actually use that can only be used for players who are level 80 and have filled one tree and chose the knew ability in that tier. Once gain an example for warrior filling 30 pts in arms tree allows him to use a bladestorm so to speak that does damage and apply’s bleeds to all enemy’s around him. The “Elite Trait Skill” can be placed directly to the right of the Elite Utility icon. And players will have something knew to look forward to when they hit 80. Instead of having the same rotation from level 40-80.
well, the problem with that is that it gives a steep advantage to players that go for 30 points, when you already have the elite traits to encourage spending that many points (plus the stats you get from it). it would severely discourage mix and match builds, so i doubt they’ll do it.
traits XI and XII are already commonly called “elite traits”, as they’re only accessible by getting 30 points on that trait line. i don’t see what you want here.
Hmm. I’ll say it again. When you get to level 80 and fill 30 pts into a tier you can get an Elite trait skill. Some thing you can actually use that can only be used for players who are level 80 and have filled one tree and chose the knew ability in that tier. Once gain an example for warrior filling 30 pts in arms tree allows him to use a bladestorm so to speak that does damage and apply’s bleeds to all enemy’s around him. The “Elite Trait Skill” can be placed directly to the right of the Elite Utility icon. And players will have something knew to look forward to when they hit 80. Instead of having the same rotation from level 40-80.
well, the problem with that is that it gives a steep advantage to players that go for 30 points, when you already have the elite traits to encourage spending that many points (plus the stats you get from it). it would severely discourage mix and match builds, so i doubt they’ll do it.
I suppose so. But on the same note you have 70 skill points and only 30 needed for a full tree. So realistically your build is pretty much remaining the same way only by a 10 point replacement. And now you have a new ability to support whatever build you were looking at. If done correctly this could add more customization… and rotations to your class. Of course each tier would have an ability based on that tier. So if you want your character to have another defensive ability you would go defense. Or another nuke you would go strength, more condition you would go Arms. I mean think about it.. the only thing your getting from the traits atm are all passives. With this.. you can get to 80 and whatever tier you spec’d into.. you now have a new ability to support that build. Just trying to find a way to make the game more flexible. And give the characters builds something unique added to their rotation.
I suppose so. But on the same note you have 70 skill points and only 30 needed for a full tree. So realistically your build is pretty much remaining the same way only by a 10 point replacement.
dude, dropping 10 points from a trait tree can make or break a build. dropping 5 points can make or break it.
people don’t do always 30/30/10, or 30/20/20.
just as an example, i was running a 30/25/15 build, and sacrificing those 5 points from the 15 tree would break the build, hard. and the 30 tree only got as far as 30 because i needed both traits IX and X.
you can’t just assume “oh it’s just 10 points, they won’t be missed”. something tells me you haven’t been really using traits to their full potential.
Hm. I find the idea sort of interesting. What if it were just a new elite skill? That wouldn’t penalize those who haven’t got 30 in any one line nearly so hard. In fact, it likely wouldn’t be used by most of those who DO have 30 in a trait line – but it’d be nice to have the option. Thoughts?
What I think would be cool is everyone gets a charge ability that adds 10 power/precision/vitality/toughness (depending on the trait tree you’ve completed) per charge with a maximum of 25 charges that reset upon death for every consecutive kill. Exactly like superior sigils but instead it works on a charge system so you can still use the sigils.
That’s a pretty kitten bad idea.
We do not need the powerhouses becoming even more powerful.
And what would you do with the professional mechanic? I am pretty sure you do not want to mess with those.
The trait system is fine as it is. It doesn’t allow you to be overpowered, it doesn’t allow you to do everything with a single spec. But that’s the point, it needs to be balanced. And since it’s the only meaningful customization short of armor/weapon choices, it’s pretty important that it stays balanced.