Elixir X suggestion.

Elixir X suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vinven.6578


This is a suggestion for changing the Elixir X elite. In its current form, it is very rarely used by engineers from what I understand. I do not use it as I prefer to have access to my skills.

Elixir X

Drink Elixir X to gain multiple boons for a short duration.
Fury: 10s
Might: 10s
Protection: 10s
Regeneration: 10s
Quickness: 5s
Breaks Stun

Engineers combine multiple elixirs together, add a special secret ingredient, to create the powerful Elixir X! This elixir empowers the engineer, allowing them to unleash great destruction on their enemies, while healing and protecting them from harm.

Elixir X suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


Elixir X is used a lot in PvP, also Wv3, not that your suggestion is bad, but your suggestion makes an engineer ungoldy for about 10 seconds. Engineers can already be devastating as is. I would tell you to tell the people telling you the Elixir X is useless to explore the class and learn the pro’s and con’s of it.

But unleashing destruction, while healing and having protection from harm is a bit overpowered. Every spike build sacrifices survivability for the extreme damage they deal. That is the trade off, no profession should have a “I Win Button

Elixir X suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


in WvW for an engineer if they changed the elixir X so that instead of turning you into a mr. hyde wannabe or a tornado it just gave you bladder control issues then it would probably be better then it is right now.

either form will just get you killed while my proposed change will just embarrass you instead of also getting you killed.

(see one stack of confusion in tornado form, and giant walking target in Hyde form)

Elixir X suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


in WvW for an engineer if they changed the elixir X so that instead of turning you into a mr. hyde wannabe or a tornado it just gave you bladder control issues then it would probably be better then it is right now.

either form will just get you killed while my proposed change will just embarrass you instead of also getting you killed.

Elixir X is a situational elite, it is meant to be strong in a 1v1 or 1v2 not a 1v zerg. Although I have seen an engineer toss people off of keep walls with the tornado. It has it benefits and draw backs

Elixir X suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vinven.6578


But unleashing destruction, while healing and having protection from harm is a bit overpowered. Every spike build sacrifices survivability for the extreme damage they deal. That is the trade off, no profession should have a “I Win Button

I modeled this elite after the non-elite “Save Yourselves!” except made it weaker since it does not absorb conditions. Also the boon durations can be cut down to 5 sec in pvp.

Also these effects are from Elixir B, H, and U. I use all three of them all the time in concession and hardly recall “unleashing destruction” on anyone when doing so.

Save Yourselves!
Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself. Gain multiple boons for a short duration.
Fury: 10 s
Vigor: 10 s
Might: 10 s
Protection: 10 s
Regeneration: 10 s (1300 health)
Swiftness: 10 s
Retaliation: 10 s
Breaks stun
Range: 600

(edited by Vinven.6578)

Elixir X suggestion.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


But unleashing destruction, while healing and having protection from harm is a bit overpowered. Every spike build sacrifices survivability for the extreme damage they deal. That is the trade off, no profession should have a “I Win Button

I modeled this elite after the non-elite “Save Yourselves!” except made it weaker since it does not absorb conditions. Also the boon durations can be cut down to 5 sec in pvp.

Also these effects are from Elixir B, H, and U. I use all three of them all the time in concession and hardly recall “unleashing destruction” on anyone when doing so.

Save Yourselves!
Draw conditions from nearby allies to yourself. Gain multiple boons for a short duration.
Fury: 10 s
Vigor: 10 s
Might: 10 s
Protection: 10 s
Regeneration: 10 s (1300 health)
Swiftness: 10 s
Retaliation: 10 s
Breaks stun
Range: 600

And guardians are pretty low on the totem pole for massive damage. most guardians use that to remove the conditions of them-self and teammates, and or run away. Secondly if you can’t lay havoc on using 3 elixirs this is not the problem of the game. I see engineers do it all the time. I wont say learn to play, but I will say maybe investigate different build options.