Emote Range.. :3

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: Borne Trickster.8254

Borne Trickster.8254

Is there any way that the emote range could be shrunk a bit? They are hugemongus right now. >.<

Nari, Sylvari Necromancer of [Envy]

(edited by Borne Trickster.8254)

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sylv.5324


Extremely largehuge since culling was removed. I remember taking to a dev about it, and they said they’d look into it. Q.Q

It makes it tough to RP (or coordinate non-RP stuff) when stuff is being sent from halfway across the map, one has no idea who’s saying what or where.


Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aro.8076


Seriously, it should match /say

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: qarinus.3869


I agree. There’s a few very good reasons emote range should be reduced!

First, it’s difficult for a large group of roleplayers to have a semi-private event when emote range is so large; before it increased, we could find a seldom-used corner of a map, but with extended emote range, it’s become far more likely that such events will be crashed by people wanting to troll the goings-on. While two people can use whispers, and up to five can use /party, once you go over five there is no good alternative; /squad firstly requires a commander, and secondly can be joined by anyone curious about why the tag’s up, making it less than private. Guild chat is the only option, and that’s a poor one as anyone logging in is likely to interrupt with greetings without even know they’re interrupting.

Second, there are some types of RP that can be disturbing to wander past. I’m not talking about sexual things or graphic violence – those should always be kept to private channels. But there are still things done in RP that not everyone is comfortable seeing, and before, with a smaller emote range, it was far less likely you’d stumble across those. Now, it’s hard to miss it if you’re anywhere within a large chunk of the zone around where the RP is taking place.

Third, stray emotes from way across the zone are commonplace interruptions to RP now, and it’s frustrating; when you have a large group, it can be difficult enough to follow what’s going on with everyone RPing together, even without throwing in stray emotes.

Having the emote range reduced would be fantastic, please.

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I didn’t realize the range had expanded. I agree, it should be the same as /say. Now, I don’t mind that you can “hear” every emote a party member makes zone wide; that can even be used to enhance RP and is restricted to 5 people that chose to be grouped.

Right now if you stand in the LA bank by one of the back tellers you can hear RP emotes from the Crow’s Nest. I know this game pays attention to vertical distance, just look at underwater combat. Emotes should not carry that far.

I’m still daydreaming of an MMO that lets solid walls block /say and /em. With allowances for windows and doors. While I’m fine with ignoring things my character couldn’t realistically hear or see, not everyone divorces character knowledge from meta knowledge.

Emote Range.. :3

in Suggestions

Posted by: LeeroyNimoy.1864


I didn’t realize the range had expanded. I agree, it should be the same as /say. Now, I don’t mind that you can “hear” every emote a party member makes zone wide; that can even be used to enhance RP and is restricted to 5 people that chose to be grouped.

Right now if you stand in the LA bank by one of the back tellers you can hear RP emotes from the Crow’s Nest. I know this game pays attention to vertical distance, just look at underwater combat. Emotes should not carry that far.

I’m still daydreaming of an MMO that lets solid walls block /say and /em. With allowances for windows and doors. While I’m fine with ignoring things my character couldn’t realistically hear or see, not everyone divorces character knowledge from meta knowledge.

Possibly one of the best-worded and well-written forum posts I’ve ever seen . . . kudos.

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