

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ghost.4360


GW1 had a pretty awesome selection of emotes and it’s a shame most of them didn’t return, we all love our dances and I was surprised to see only 5 dances while GW1 had 20 + collector edition dances. Also we all miss musical instrument emotes (maybe there could be a way to add instruments when said emote is performed) that brought forth so many hours of fun and entertainment, both in game and on youtube.

There are plenty of other emotes we would all love to see return too, rock, paper, scissors…maybe we could add lizard and Spock to it too? xD

Of course pvp emotes would be most welcome to return if they don’t already exist in GW2

Other games have had unlock-able emotes through holiday events and micro transactions and I think that is a great idea.

You’ve made a beautiful looking game with great looking characters, we would love more emotes for them to bring them really to life