Enable Copy/Paste of Password

Enable Copy/Paste of Password

in Suggestions

Posted by: Forstral.3752



Since our passwords have been required to be changed and made longer/more complicated, I believe it would be a good idea to enable a copy/paste feature on the password line in the original Guild Wars. It took me several tries to get my password entered correctly. I know the same password works for both games but Guild Wars 2 has a remember password option, either the copy/paste or the same remember password option for Guild Wars would be great.

Thank you.

Enable Copy/Paste of Password

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I never suggest the remember password option. Using it just removes one more layer of security from your account. To me the more secure I can make my accounts the better. Just type the password. You will be surprised how fast you memorize it. I use passwords that are as about as complex as possible and never the same one for any account, email, banking etc. I have them all memorized just from regular logins. For a back up I keep a log book with them out of reach from any prying eyes.

The Burninator

Enable Copy/Paste of Password

in Suggestions

Posted by: Psycho Robot.7835

Psycho Robot.7835

If your password is so difficult to type that you constantly make mistakes, I would suggest that maybe you have the wrong type of password. See: http://xkcd.com/936/

Enable Copy/Paste of Password

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I use the remember password options only because I know my password in the odd case of accidentally hitting the button again (unlike my friend who’s gone through about 17 passwords since he always forgets them from the Remember Password button).

Additionally, I use 2-step verification which notifies me whenever anyone attempts to (success or not) log into my account.

Enable Copy/Paste of Password

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cidhappens.4086


The remember password option is only good in a few situations:
1. crashs —> relog very often —>*
2. login is not working —> several tries to login —> *

  • —> save the password and delete it later
    (still not good, but when a hacker is able to steal the files with the password then the password could be stolen by keylogger)
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