End game reward. Pact Victory Token

End game reward. Pact Victory Token

in Suggestions

Posted by: jyang.3021


Pact Victory Token is given when player finished personal story but i find the reward is too unattractive, just some rare weapons. In guildwars 1, whenever player finished the campaign they can exchange the token for a “best” stats weapon and in guildwars 2 i think it should be a exotic weapon instead. Why would i want a rare item when i already defeated story with at least a single exotic armor/weapon. Also, exotic weapon is not that unaffordable. So PLEASE PLEASE change the reward to exotic.

End game reward. Pact Victory Token

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


I actually agree with this. The uniques in GW1 were on par with the “best” weapons in the game stat-wise. I do think it’s a bit funny how when I beat the story I had full exotics and my reward didn’t even include anything good. Some level 78 greens and some WvW plans.

The token was fun, I got to spend it on a piece for an alt but I could have just as easily spent it on anything for a skin for my main character via transmute. I do agree though, the reward should be a bit more than it is.