Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: LiuliRenai.3928


This is a suggestion for dealing with the complaints about the game being short on Endgame.

The complaint itself is weird, as this game is packed full with amazing content. The Orr temple battles, the Claw of Jormag fight, venturing to lower level areas and fighting meta-event bosses like the Hylek Priestess, all of this meta-events are pretty amazing content which is amazing fun to replay many times.

The problem is, once you have slain any of this meta-event bosses once, you already have the sense of accomplishment over their defeat and you have no incentive to go through that meta-event chain again.

This issue can be very visible in Orr, where a mass of players (including myself) would farm the easy events in Penitent Camp, Shelter’s Gate, Jofast’s Camp for karma and gold, instead of travelling around all 3 areas of Orr and taking over all of the temples.

Why do we focus on the easy events that become a grind pretty soon rather than face the temple bosses? The answer is simple: Meta-event rewards are the same as those easy camp defense events, and as such are the slower route to karma and gold.

I think there’s a potential to easily fix peoples’ complaints about “lack of endgame content” by simply upping the meta-event rewards significantly.

If taking over an Orr temple would grant x3 the amount of gold and karma it currently does, and grant as much as x6 the amount of rewards to players that completed at least 3 meta-event steps rather than joining for the last event only, I believe this will cause people to congregate to meta-events not only when they read “Claw of Jormag is up” on map chat. It will cause players to actively travel around the map and search for more meta-events to complete, which makes for a much more epic experience and will also reward people with shorter amounts of time to spend online.

I believe making this sort of change could drastically affect what people consider is ‘endgame’ in GW2 without eating too much resources, and without affecting the economy too severely.

Liuli – Mesmer – Piken Square

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I disagree. People fight jormag again and again. It’s kind of sad. Regular PvEing is so dull to them now. I think rewards should be given for other things, like playing with others or doing events that have been waiting for someone to do them.

Increasing rewards for the uber events will just turn everyone’s day into a parade of Dragon, dragon, dragon, orr chain, dragon, dragon, dragon, etc

Kind of soulless, don’t you think?

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Awesome.6120


I think rewards should be given for other things, like playing with others or doing events that have been waiting for someone to do them.

It would be cool if events gained bonus rewards the longer they went unfinished like mobs do with xp. Some champion event mobs tend to hang around for ages because they aren’t worth killing.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Clark Skinner.4902

Clark Skinner.4902

I didn’t know mobs did that. Does loot do the same?

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I would agree with increasing rewards, but only for those that do the previous events, instead arriving for the final one just to hit the boss a little and open the chest.

The more you helped in the previous events, the bigger the reward should be in the final one, and when you open the chest.

No exceptions!

Endgame: Increase Meta-Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Squirrelbane.2510


Interesting post.
imo rewards are the cause of the problem in the first place as you say.
You mention farming Orr. People do that because they’re chasing something…normally a legendary…and farm easier events quickly to reach that goal through karma and gold.

The problem is that it would be substituting one form of grinding for another. People wouldn’t be doing these temple events because they were fun, it would still be about the rewards, with just the obsession those who farm like this have with getting their rewards asap being tranferred. I don’t think they’d enjoy it any more than the DEs they repeat ad infanatum now.

But maybe this would be an acceptable solution. Anet might not like it….because they want ppl to reach their ultimate goals indirectly, as a byproduct of having a lot of fun doing different things…not through any form of grind, which this would just turn in to.

Would love to see more people doing the more complex events……but with ppl still chasing their carrots in this game and ofc following the easiest path of least resistance this wouldn’t change the fundamental problem: their attitude.

An interesting problem that I hope Anet can find a good solution to
+1 for interesting OP