Engineer Kit Skins (Engineers unite)
I’d like to be able to hide the kits so i can show my back skins
As an Asuran Engineer I would love it if my kit packs fell more in-line with how other Asuran items look. Get a full set of cultural armor? Look nice and techno-y. Pull out elixir gun? A leather rucksack with patches and weird bottles. Not at all elegant or high tech.
(A nice consolation prize for all Engis would be to be able to prefer the back item over the kit sack.)
You’re beating a dead horse, as the saying goes.
It’s something we’re absolutely aware of and want to address in the future, one of my main characters is an engineer so I feel ya on this one. My poor quaggan backpack is visible like 2% of the time I play as I kit swap, never mind my weapon skins.
We’re currently focusing our engineering (programmers, not guys with net guns) resources that could work on solutions to issues like kits/skins on major systems that address issues higher priority and wider reaching like lag in large battles, LFG, custom arenas, spectator mode and so on but this issue is absolutely on our radar.
As always, please post your ideas of what you’d like to see solution wise, we love to see the fun ideas y’all come up with too!
Translation: We know, but we’re not going to do anything.