Engineer only Weapon-Multiformer.

Engineer only Weapon-Multiformer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Hi all!
I was pondering many times, how can the “lack of weapons” probem solved for engineer.
Yes there are MANY who are not satisfied with kits, and there selection.
Propably because they can not change skins, and that is really sad compared to other classes amazing weapon skins in pvp and pve.
I hear countless times, they barely use kits, only only 1 or 2. Or if they do use, they only use that one. Or use it because they are forced, to complete the build they run.

But thats another topic. I am here to make a constructive suggestion on the topic.

I personally think the toolbelt could have an always present skill, indephendent on what you have in hand or as utility. But only after lv 15.

It would be a skill named : Multiformer.
It would replace the current weapon, for 5 fully new skills , like a kit.
It would aso let you equip “switch” weapons, but you would not be able to use them, just equip items there.
A GS, Rifle, Hammer, Scepter.
And when you activate the skill it hives you a modified mechanical like vesion of that, dephending what the equipped switch weapon is.

The Mutiformer-s look would change every 10 lv. And could use existing item skins if you use transmut stones on the equipped item. But by default would have the look of a Glyphic like weapon, or something like the screenshots i listed under.

Hammers would give you skills like,
Force impact- Pushing ppl away, with massive dmg.
Static Discarge-Pulling a single target to you and then shocking it.
Stormhammer- The hammer fills with electircity and the next attack stuns.

Scepter would turn to a Drone command unit (like the omnitool in ME)
And you could equip pistol or shield beside it.
It would grant you skills tha summon mini drones- like on pics bellow.
Like scout drone, that would shoot like a rifle turret but at longer range and fast with less dmg.
An assasin drone, that would poison. After 3 shots it expires and seeks the nearest target and explodes on it, knocking him down.

THe Gs would shoot at max range like the Mesmer does. But it could also be used as parry weapon. So on. I can see many ideas in this. If implemented well.

I dont say anything concrete, because the devs decide on skills the engineer needs or lacks, or should implement. And can coordinate with future updates. I just make the idea as suggestion.


Engineer only Weapon-Multiformer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


As a side note…i would like express how kitten amazing i find the look of Asura themes and weapons and buildings and so on.
I would love if those looks (like the picture from the cronomancer) would get implemented a bit more on Engineer.
They are the high end of technology afterall. I dont say, we need a mech, or a laserrifle, but atleast the look of them.
Maybe the Engineers theme would be better of with something like that, instead of the current- Rugged looking mechanic-steampunk is thing.

Engineer only Weapon-Multiformer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ryan.2856


What is that last pic? it looks cool.

Engineer only Weapon-Multiformer.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


Its from the planned class “cronomancer”.
It was not implemented afterall, trough it was not discarded.
Its a might be coming class.