Enough is enough

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alejandra Delacruz.5921

Alejandra Delacruz.5921

The last couple of weeks I’m finding myself increasingly discouraged with this game, so I wanted to throw my voice out there and offer some suggestions.

1. No more Grind Wars 2. Every cool thing in this game is grind grind grind. You either grind for gold or grind for 50 million whatsits and toss them in the mystic forge or grind 1000 RNG boxes. Can we please get some awesome items that have something besides grind attached? It doesn’t have to be easy. It doesn’t have to be entirely grind free. But some epic quests for loot wouldn’t hurt. The new ascended weapons are pure insanity, especially for people that play alts or multiple builds.

2. Meaningful content. I’m starting to think the Living Story is a joke. If I understand, there are 4 teams spending 4 months at a time on one month of living story content. Maybe I’m wrong. But honestly? This month has been a joke. 2 cutscenes/instances, a small-ish dungeon, and some zergy farming with Invasions and the Pavilion. Throw in the escorts, Gauntlet, and such not, and you have maybe what? About 3 hours of actual content? That took 4 months to make?

3. Permanent content. We’ve been hearing it for three months now… “We hear you, more permanent content is coming!” Umm… when? I haven’t seen it yet. Instead we get a bunch of grindy achievements and are told to do them in 2-4 weeks. Can we get some content that I can complete on my own time? I don’t like having to choose between working on an alt or doing WvW and trying to knock out achievements. Not everything has to be zergy super social fluff. It’s fun in small doses, but give us some more personal story that we can complete at our own pace. I realize that Anet wanted to get away from the traditional quests, but do we have to do it completely? What’s wrong with getting a quest that will send me all over the world without having a zerg of 100 people following me?

Don’t get me wrong, I love the game. It’s just quickly starting to degrade into something I’m able to tolerate less and less.

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Ok so I completely disagree with your tone as it’s a bit complainy, but I guess behind that you are trying to be constructive. So as for point one I don’t really care much either way. Point two I can see where you’re coming from and I think it would be nice, point 3 I agree with fully.

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: chronus.1326


Just get a petition or something. It sad but nobody will weigh an intelligent post against thousands of idiots screaming like idiots about how they want their WoW-2.0-but-not-really-but-still-lol-I-dunno-just-add-mounts-pls-kkthxbye.

Argumentum ad populum is the only thing working.
Get a poll. A petition. Somewhere. Something.

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pit Goddess.7460

Pit Goddess.7460

Im not sure why YOU play games, I myself play for the entertainment and just to have fun. I work on ALL the different achievement points, this keep me busy, thru time playing the game, you will eventually get anything you want WITH-OUT grinding. Unless you want something RIGHT NOW… and if you do – your gonna have to work for it.. thats just a part of gaming.

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


I noticed how some players stated that Rift had poor Dynamic Events when compared to GW2.
- I didn’t really play Rift so correct me if I’m wrong, but… Aren’t these invasions the same deal as the rifts that opened in Rift? If Rift had poorer Dynamic Events with these rifts, aren’t these invasions a step in the wrong direction? “Shouldn’t there be more to them?” is all I ask… and to the Living Story in general?

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight Gypsy.9360

Midnight Gypsy.9360

on number 2 it hasn’t been 4 months from the time the 4 they started doing 2 updates a month, so they haven’t have 4 months to work on it. Colin also said it would be October before we see the effect of the LS teams having more time to work on content.

Enough is enough

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


A-net has already stated that everything they make is eligible for a more permanent place in the living world later. So basing judgements on a last patch update is pretty nonsensicle. Epecially considering how often we get them.