Enough with the CUTE Crud.
not going to get an argument from me on this issue on the cutsie stuff.
ooooooo I can wear a plush bear cap on my head how exciting!!!!
please note sarcasm.
I am enjoying the random temp skins. This adds uniqueness to those that are able to get these skins. On this note though I must add. Sometime the requirements are way to high for a skin. Legendary is one thing, but a skin??
not going to get an argument from me on this issue on the cutsie stuff.
ooooooo I can wear a plush bear cap on my head how exciting!!!!
please note sarcasm.
I am enjoying the random temp skins. This adds uniqueness to those that are able to get these skins. On this note though I must add. Sometime the requirements are way to high for a skin. Legendary is one thing, but a skin??
This! or at least allow us to do what we could in GW1 and wear our costumes over our armor. I do not spend enough time in LA or the other cities to enjoy my chef’s armor. I want to be a Charr Mesmer chef running around Tyria!
Proud player of Crusader, Arcanist,
Beastmaster, Shadowraider, and Shieldbearer Zakk!
I agree the game needs more armor skins. But I disagree with there being to many cute items.
I agree with the OP. All this cute nonsense needs to die in a fire. We should all be sending the design team piles of Tim Burton movies, to give them inspiration for less cutesy stuff.
And the next person to design something quaggan-themed will be put in front of a live crossbow exercise.
I agree that more skins (specially new armor skins) would be welcome, and while there’s some cutesy stuff that has been added I don’t see it being most stuff added.
What I’d consider cutesy (that’s not town clothes, at least), the gem store backpacks and the christmas weapon skins (both on the gem store and as regular rewards) and maybe you could argue the super weapon skins (I’d disagree there, but I’ll leave for arguments sake) and the flower backpack from southsun.
In the same time we’ve gotten the halloween weapon and shoulder skins and back item (the book), the fractal weapon skins, molten weapons, jet backpack and gauntlets, braham’s weapon and shield, Rox’s quiver, the sclerite weapon skins and tentacle back item (definitively not cutesy), guild commendation weapons and backpacks and some new weapons added as drops like Final Rest (definitively not cutesy)… not sure if I missed anything
I agree with the OP. All this cute nonsense needs to die in a fire. We should all be sending the design team piles of Tim Burton movies, to give them inspiration for less cutesy stuff.
And the next person to design something quaggan-themed will be put in front of a live crossbow exercise.
As long as the shooters are wielding The Dreamer..
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
(edited by locoman.1974)
I endorse this thread. A few cutesy items here are fine, but I do agree that it’s getting out of hand. Not everyone wants their character wearing a Panda hat.
I think, to counterract this, the next set of gem store skins should be designed by Todd McFarlane.
Legendary Skin,
Each piece required a precursor item which will be available on the TP for 650g-1000g
It will require approximately 500g worth of mystic forge materials and countless hours of useless grinding.
If you start now you could complete the set for ~5000g and 3 years!
/inspect player.. Wow he means business!
I endorse this thread. A few cutesy items here are fine, but I do agree that it’s getting out of hand. Not everyone wants their character wearing a Panda hat.
I think, to counterract this, the next set of gem store skins should be designed by Todd McFarlane.
I support this suggestion
I wanted to make a new post, but i sow this thread just in time so i’ll say here my toughs on – why i’m about to quit GW2. And i didn’t reach lvl 30-35 with a char yet.
SAME MESH/MODEL ARMORS —-— that’s why i got bored lvl’ng more chars and even quit playing for a month. I’m giving the game a second chance just because the world/enviroments are verry well made.
Finding COOL LOOKING armors is what keps me going in mmorpg’s. And by cool looking i dont necesarely mean barely covered skin. (You make good looking armors without showing skin also)
In this game, at about lvl 25+ my armor looks the same as the lvl 1 starting armor. Only the elementalist i think have 2 different mesh/models of armors that keep switch till…. i dont know what lvl.
The game is all a “hunt event grind fest” that’s boring … and when i find the same armor or weapon model OVER AND OVER the game become’s boring as hell!
I see a new dungeon/event is added to the game. Reading about it, i was hoping to see some new armors. lol… yeah 2 back(fkn’)packs. From :- yeeeee! (seeing new content) going at :- ewwwww :S (no armors… just ***backpaks)
I know there are a few different armor models out there, but are just A FEW of them and high lvl also. And you have to do some crazy dungeons over and over to get them… it’s all a repetition/grind here.
Cash Shop Style section = Su**’s
Only the full armor skins and the glasses are ok, in rest… all is crap on that section.The individual pieces dosen’t really match with anything . It’s like this game dosent want to make money lol.
I like the game (despite grinding stuff) because of enviroments and varieties of mobs, and the JP stuff, but if there’s no exitement on finding loot (identical stuff is —) after killing that tons of champion monsters…. the game goes boring reall quick.
I agree with TONS of more skins, but i also want other armor variants from monsters, to keep the looong 1-80 leveling experience entertaining and not looking like a clone.
I expected much more on this aspect from Guild Wars, a big name in MMORPG market.
Sorry for spelling mistakes.
HATE the bloody “teeny” crap that’s available as town clothing — oh, wait, hoodies? cargo “shorts” that should rightfully be called booty shorts on females? yeah, i won’t drag out the whole list, but these new HATS? really? as much as we’ve been BEGGING for some decent town clothes, you give us THIS crapola??? puhleeze!
on that note, being able to customize armor is the suck, in this game — and i do like some of the armor sets. but really … the amount of variety is nearly laughable and it has NOT grown since launch in any perceptible manner. please? hear us? oh, yeah, and the ability, as we had in gw1, to put COSTUME pieces in slots OVER our armor would go a long way to helping … assuming you guys ever get around to giving us some decent COSTUME/town gear!
I agree that more skins (specially new armor skins) would be welcome, and while there’s some cutesy stuff that has been added I don’t see it being most stuff added.
What I’d consider cutesy (that’s not town clothes, at least), the gem store backpacks and the christmas weapon skins (both on the gem store and as regular rewards) and maybe you could argue the super weapon skins (I’d disagree there, but I’ll leave for arguments sake) and the flower backpack from southsun.
In the same time we’ve gotten the halloween weapon and shoulder skins and back item (the book), the fractal weapon skins, molten weapons, jet backpack and gauntlets, braham’s weapon and shield, Rox’s quiver, the sclerite weapon skins and tentacle back item (definitively not cutesy), guild commendation weapons and backpacks and some new weapons added as drops like Final Rest (definitively not cutesy)… not sure if I missed anything
I agree with the OP. All this cute nonsense needs to die in a fire. We should all be sending the design team piles of Tim Burton movies, to give them inspiration for less cutesy stuff.
And the next person to design something quaggan-themed will be put in front of a live crossbow exercise.
As long as the shooters are wielding The Dreamer..
Yup. More models from lvl 1-80 is needed, I roll new toons because I like the game. I hate rolling new toons because I know they will end up looking the same by the end.
Yes they have given us some cool skins, but 90% is back and weapons. I love the gauntlets…..where is the rest of it?
I am all for a few occasional whimsy items for the game, but enough is enough.
GW2 is soon reaching a year old and I have only seen a few serious gear and weapon skins implemented. At this point there should be way more skins than are available, people are still wearing basically the same gear since start.
Implement more skins in the gem shop, as standard drops, as rares and rewards.
I thought there was a design team that only worked on these aspects, my character should look like a hero, not a muppet at this point.
Bring us some of the classic GW skins as well as some new skins.
The game shipped with a plethora of more serious gear and a profound lack of aforementioned “cute” stuff.
My gf loves the cute stuff. She loves making her characters cute and I like seeing the enjoyment she gets from it.
I’m all for more old school skins but to tell them to stop making cute stuff is not very considerate. It isn’t like it affects you in a negative way. After all, jade skins aren’t cute, neither were the flame weapons, Halloween stuff, etc. I’m sorry but the ratio of
“serious” <→ “cute”
is still much on the “serious” side. Simple as that. It’s okay to not like it but to throw a fit about it when you have blatantly have more available content that is not cute is just plain sad.
Well, I’ll be a surprising person to endorse this.
I love the cute stuff, and I’d probably just buy the cute stuff, and not much in the way or armor or weapons skins. But with the big wave of cute animal pets and town clothes over the past two months, my idea to “only spend $10/mo buying gems” as a sort of self-imposed monthly payment to then spend on fun things is in jeopardy, and I’m going broke.
I think if they mix things up from month to month a bit better, they might get a steady stream of income, include stuff that everyone is interested in from time to time, and give my wallet a chance to catch up before more things show up that I like.
And would give those folks who are perfectly willing to throw money at you for armor and weapons skins a chance to do so.
Though, ‘some’ new armor skins I might be interested in too, but we’ll see what you come up with.
….., and give my wallet a chance to catch up before more things show up that I like.
Totally agree with this one statement.
I agree! Too many cute skins out there, keep them alright, but add some different themed skins as well please!
Long overdue as many have noted.
I would suggest bringing in a handful of “Ancient” armor sets styled after some of the better armors in GW.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
I agree. All this cute crap is a waste of space. It’s kind of sickening. The game is being turned into a pre-teen paradise with hair dye, and pink backpacks, and panda hats, and on and on.
Some cute stuff is OK, but at this point it’s making the game look cheap and low-class. Arenanet should be working on things of actual significance, like new armor skins, new character creation options, clipping and bug fixes… stuff like that. Making 20 cutesy hats for your gem shop is such a waste
I just had to post to get this back on the front page. Such a good post.
I agree. All this cute crap is a waste of space. It’s kind of sickening. The game is being turned into a pre-teen paradise with hair dye, and pink backpacks, and panda hats, and on and on.
Some cute stuff is OK, but at this point it’s making the game look cheap and low-class. Arenanet should be working on things of actual significance, like new armor skins, new character creation options, clipping and bug fixes… stuff like that. Making 20 cutesy hats for your gem shop is such a waste
Agreed :/
This game need more prestige. Not statistical prestige!!
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com
“Bring us some of the classic GW skins as well as some new skins.”
agreed, I was happy when they introduced primeval and krytan sets to the gem store.
I wouldn’t mind elite drakescale or elite templar being added
Warrior Primeval Armor.
That is all.
Also Elementalist Elite Iceforged, that was awesome.
Oh, and Obsidian armor, for kitten’s sake.
I agree with the OP whole-heartedly, and can’t help but feel that Anet dug a very large grave for themselves to lie in with the complete lack of town clothes available to buy at launch.
Had they invested a decent chunk of time in the design stage coming up with 50+ different types of boot, trousers, chest, hats, gloves etc ready for launch, then I’m willing to bet that the majority of the player base would have paid good money to customise their look mixing and matching and buying one of each.
Nine months down the line, with the bean counters deciding where to invest the money, the sad reality is that these daft novelty items are going to be preferrable to generate a quick buck rather than investing resources dribbling out not wildly exciting but sensible ranges of town clothes.
When a big chunk of the only available town clothes are these cutesy, gimmicky items, then they stop becoming a novelty. They are just irritating.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying take away the cute stuff, as some people do like it. And I believe I stated this in my original post.
But they are putting a lot of effort into novelty items when IMO they should be adding more skins to the game itself, not just gem store items.
I purchased all 3 armor sets from the shop, I have worked to get the armors I like that drop and are crafted. But it is hard for me to even roll a new persona as I know what all the armors look like.
The GW2 team has released some really cool skins (mostly weapons) but it is just 1 piece not whole sets (which I know takes time) and with these dragon helms it was just re-skinned for all three types. I won’t use the medium skin as it really doesn’t fit with my medium armor wearing character. I appreciate these little touches they add, but I also don’t want to wait for an expansion to get some new armor. (Think we are getting a new set in July)
A few pieces can be mixed and matched for a cool look, but I don’t feel unique. I hope they do read the suggestions and see we what people want.
I like in GW how each class had a distinct look to some of the armor (yes some were added with expansions, but still would be cool to just be put in GW2)
Elite Kurzick
Silver Eagle
Elite Prophecies
Plus a slew of new and old.
The game environment and feel has veered very far from the “rugged” feel of GW1. Gw1 felt far more realistic.