Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Adding more lighting effects to the game in forests and caves and night settings would greatly increase the look, feel and emersion of this game. When it’s night, make it darker, it doesn’t always need to be clear as day. At least in some zones more than others. Grab a torch. We’re adventurers but I can see everything from where I stand at all times! I don’t suggest making it a pain, I just mean make it noticeably darker. I often don’t even realize when it’s become night in the game. Caves should be darker for sure. Let torches provide the extra light. Not pitch black just darker.

Weather is NEEDED! The world has events but that doesn’t make a map alive. There is more potential. Give queensdale some dense rain! Add periodic rain/lighting/thunder storms to different maps. Places near the coast could have periodic monsoons-type effects – maybe the krait get active during these times, maybe special events happen during these storms. Give ore sand storms maybe. Maybe lightning elementals and earth elementals get rowdy during rain/sand storms. Shiver peaks could have blizzards! And lastly, wind! A lot of gear has dangly bits and more should. When you climb to the top of a peak or are trapped in one of these storms, lets see that stuff sway in the wind! This would truly help to make a map feel alive.

Mount Maelstrom has a volcano. Maybe that thing could become active once a month with unique events to that period of time. Ash is in the air and visibility is lessened a bit. Periodic magma balls fall from the sky setting things on fire where players will need to put them out and avoid getting hit by them all together. MAYBE while this volcano is active special magma/volcanic ore becomes available that can be used to make unique magma/volcano gear that has smoldering smoke rolling off of it and fire. (I have another post that expands on this idea here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/Tyria-just-got-Deeper-Dig-it/first#post2572196 )

Make some noise if you’d like to see this implemented!

(edited by Bolthar.7192)

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tyrantis.8640


I would like to see it rain more often or harder when it does for longer. I like your idea of sandstorms. There should be more snow storms as well.

What they have is good they just need it more dense and for longer periods of time. I don’t notice the weather often enough.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I would like to see it rain more often or harder when it does for longer. I like your idea of sandstorms. There should be more snow storms as well.

What they have is good they just need it more dense and for longer periods of time. I don’t notice the weather often enough.

You’re right, I should have mentioned snow storms! I’m going to go back and edit it and add Wind effects too, I meant to add that but it slipped my mind.

I think if they made the rain last longer and more dense (and added the other weather effects) and added special events during this time or something, it would definitely be more noticed!

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: alyce.2184


I think you’re right, I have been thinking about this for a long time and I’m glad you posted something about it. I would love to see more rain, and definitely lightening too. Something along the lines of a monsoon would be super cool!!

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

If you remember the very start of the human story line, right after character creation, they had a fairly intense thunderstorm in that instance. But then they never show it again. It would be nice if they had that in game. Or even more intense. Rain or snow so hard you can barely see. After all, it’s supposed to mimic a living world.

And night should be darker also.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It occasionally rains in Kryta at night.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

It occasionally rains in Kryta at night.

Yeah, I’ve seen it. However it is not the more intense thunderstorm right after character creation. So, they have it in the instance. They could start having it in game.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I agree with Astral! And thats EXACTLY what I’m talking about! Heavy rain, limited viability. Make it intense! Not too limited but make it noticeable. It doesn’t always have to be clear as day. Esplen, I see you reply on a few of my posts, but you rarely say anything about liking the idea or not. Give some feed back. If people don’t make some noise, Anet will never hear it

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vyko.6953


Its a great idea, and I mainly agree with the night. It is really hard to notice it is night since it looks like its a regular day. The sky should be a lot darker and so everything should be.


Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Only if there was an option to turn it off. IMO it gets real old real fast.

The Burninator

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faowri.4159


Randomised weather/environment patterns would be great. I liked in FFXII how the weather affected what enemies could be found, for example, and in GW2 it would be great to see particular events only occurring during certain weather patterns.

As I said in another thread, the problem with the current ‘living world’ concept is that it’s not really ‘living’. It’s a temporary, themed release focusing very intently on a particular limited plot, that usually only affects most maps in a shallow and artificial way e.g. via the holograms or the parachute drops. For the world to really feel like it’s alive, the everyday events and enemies of the everyday maps need to be rotated and changed on a more regular basis, in a way that is relevant to that map.

On an even simpler level, having sudden flurries of snowstorms or heavy rain could impose environmental debuffs, and other challenges that make a map you’ve run through a hundred times a bit more interesting.

Overall, totally in favour of this. The human intro is my favourite due to the drama and excitement of the storm you’re fighting in.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: SSalp.6423


Noticeable weather would be awesome! Anet proved in the snowblind fractal what they can do with light/darkness/weather and what awesome scenarios it creates.
And there is already wind in the game, I noticed it in only one place tho. In the Diedre’s steps JP on the wind elementals with tall grass. Looks pretty awesome.
Also the night needs to be a little darker, maybe even have moon cycles.We definetily need this. They’re always talking how the world should feel “alive” and this would help a lot more than these constant updates

IF they do this they also need to add a detail lvl for those things because some people are playing GW2 on toasters xD

Immotal Kingdom[KING] – Desolation

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

If the weather effects significantly impact how well you can see, this would get game imbalancing. In towns it could work well, but in combat areas weather effects should not impair the player’s ability to see.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


If the weather effects significantly impact how well you can see, this would get game imbalancing. In towns it could work well, but in combat areas weather effects should not impair the player’s ability to see.

Ideally it would only limit the distance that you can see. This wouldn’t effect you in combat so much that you would be less likely to defeat your foe, but it would add a bit of a “whats around the corner” element. I would honestly probably hate it if I was nearly blinded by sand, rain or snow. But a little impairment is realistic and immersive IMO.

What do you guys think of the Volcano idea?

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fatfox.4915


I like how this suggestion keeps popping up from time to time. I’m all for weather, as that’s my degree, but there’s pros and cons to it.

If dynamic was introduced, many people would see it as an ‘optional extra’ as it wouldn’t really affect anything apart from the frame rate and lag, but if it could be linked to events that would be fantastic- though may add more randomness which we already have so much of. Maybe only in certain areas…

Structured pvp could be made more interesting, maybe have it’s own separate map- rain means the accuracy of ranged items goes down, cold means endurance and weapon recharge rate is increased. Stealth could go up in darker times, elementalist traits could be strengthened or weakened etc as long as it’s balanced. I think as mentioned before ff12 did this.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


I woudln’t mind some weather effects in WvW. I’m sure a rain storm would make some siege not very effective.

Also would love to see it much darker when it is night. Hiding under the cover of darkness doesn’t mean anything in there.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I really really really want to see weather added in the game. But it has to have an intensity scale. Some people can’t run the game very well especially with a lot of extra heavy rain, though others buy really expensive machines so that they CAN enjoy just that!

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I really really really want to see weather added in the game. But it has to have an intensity scale. Some people can’t run the game very well especially with a lot of extra heavy rain, though others buy really expensive machines so that they CAN enjoy just that!

I hate weather in games, I can’t stand it. I have enough bad weather where I live and don’t need more in game. If I had my way it would be “Always Sunny in Tyria” The sound and the view of weather in game gets obnoxious very fast. I would be fine if they added it as long as there was a setting to disable it.

The Burninator

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Amadan.9451


yeah definitely weather and events weather related is a thing i would love to see.
i really never notice when it’s night in the game.
they gave us a torch for this new update and only a jp to use it in…

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Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Weather effects like that create a lot of stress (on clients).

When I go to the Human Tutorial, my laptop goes thermo-nuclear (well, it’s always thermo-nuclear, but it goes in overdrive thermo-nuclear status). And no, it’s not because of the 2 centaur’s next to me.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Weather effects like that create a lot of stress (on clients).

When I go to the Human Tutorial, my laptop goes thermo-nuclear (well, it’s always thermo-nuclear, but it goes in overdrive thermo-nuclear status). And no, it’s not because of the 2 centaur’s next to me.

Thats because you’re playing on a laptop Usually games have a setting to turn this feature down to lower settings anyways. If they made this a REAL feature/thing, maybe you could set it on low so the human starting instance doesn’t do that to you anymore

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talenna.4052


I would love to see more weather effects added, definitely gets my vote!

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: aspirine.6852


Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spooky.7052


I would love it. Rain is my favorite thing to see, and Guild Wars is just… well, to be honest, for a game that is so beautiful it sure is bland. I feel like every zone is the same boring stuff, because, well, the map is just big chunks of stuff that is the same. The zones in Kryta all seem like one big zone with nothing changing in between load screens. Static green hills, fields and trees. Boring.
Stuff like this would spice it up.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: shedim.8504


I’d like that. Tyria already feels so alive in comparison to other MMOs and this addition would be the final masterpiece and the creation of a truly unique experience.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


I feel like the living world content they are adding isn’t really doing the job to making GW2 feel “alive” and what they need is implementations like this in addition to a larger variety of rotating dynamic events in each map to really achieve that. The lighting effects and weather would help to make exploration a lot better I think. That and maybe some new places to explore. I made a seperate post on that here if you’re interested:


Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Lamps and torches should have a more obvious effect at night. It shouldn’t be so well lit everywhere all the time that a torch makes little difference. If I’m walking through a “foresty” area it should be darker then the open under the moon light. I should feel encouraged to grab a nearby torch, though it shouldn’t be SO dark that a player should be forced to.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: BigMoser.8790


weather effects for world bosses would be awesome like more darkness to Shadow Behemoth, or a blizzard during Claw of Jormag, heavy fog during Great Jungle Wurm, heavy rain during Tequatl, etc etc.

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


weather effects for world bosses would be awesome like more darkness to Shadow Behemoth, or a blizzard during Claw of Jormag, heavy fog during Great Jungle Wurm, heavy rain during Tequatl, etc etc.

Weather effects just make everything more immersive! And epic. I really really hope they are in the process of implementing this and if they aren’t they notice all the people that want this and the positive effects it would have on the game and THEN implement it!

Environmental/Weather – You’ll love it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yonder.8390


Ok we should tell Anet to implement this in a future update it would add more immersion in the game. They should also add darker nights and when it is night time the torches would turn on. Snow storms would be fun and when there is a snowstorm maybe sometimes yetis will appear and make fun events every 2 days or so.