Event or DLC with ships, pirates and sailing!

Event or DLC with ships, pirates and sailing!

in Suggestions

Posted by: swgs.6195


I thought about it for a long time so I’ll write about my idea for a full-fledged DLC.
The main location of the game is to Lion’s Arch city built of shipwrecks, we have pirates, underwater swimming system and a lot of water areas. So why do not you’ll create DLC based on pirate ships. It would be nice to have your own ship to send him on a mission to sail on it with your friends from the guild. Fight with the monsters of the sea on the open seas. Partition with could be implemented as a minigame. Would also be cool racing ships at sea. There are different breeds so the ships also would be different: Charr ships it would be war machines with powerful weapons, Asura’s ships could occasionally hovering above the water, the Sylvari’s ships could sink a cocoon, human ships would be quick, and Norn ships could be heavily armored. The story DLC could be based on the fight with a dragon, and the minor sea monsters. Please, about support the idea.
Sorry for the spelling, because I come from Polish.