Events that are easier/harder according to the player's skills.

Events that are easier/harder according to the player's skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


If a player misses too many dodges, dies too often, does not use condition removals and does not follow what the current event tells him to do… the game flags him/her as “not proper skilled” and gives him easier monsters that uses less skills, attacks less often, etc. And with a lower chance to gain rare drops, compared to the “skilled” player that Is totally the opposite from the “not proper skilled” player. You get the idea.

And If several skilled player does a specific event… “special” kind of monster comes up with 3x more hp, attack and so on. And other things may happen, like a special greeting that only skilled players may receive from NPC’s.

Just to add a bit more variety and let the game more “rewarding”. And to motivate said “not proper skilled” players to work on their gaming skills.

Events that are easier/harder according to the player's skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


If a player misses too many dodges, dies too often, does not use condition removals and does not follow what the current event tells him to do… the game flags him/her as “not proper skilled” and gives him easier monsters that uses less skills, attacks less often, etc. And with a lower chance to gain rare drops, compared to the “skilled” player that Is totally the opposite from the “not proper skilled” player. You get the idea.

And If several skilled player does a specific event… “special” kind of monster comes up with 3x more hp, attack and so on. And other things may happen, like a special greeting that only skilled players may receive from NPC’s.

Just to add a bit more variety and let the game more “rewarding”. And to motivate said “not proper skilled” players to work on their gaming skills.

How would you balance that though in an event with multiple people?

Say you have 1 skilled and 1 unskilled. That 1 skilled player could wipe out the unskilled players’ mob easily. The unskilled player could get wiped out by the skilled players’ mob if it aggro’s it somehow.

How do you balance that when you got an event with, say, 20 people in? You can’t just assign a mob to a character, and only that character can kill it.

TL:DR – Too many skilled players = unskilled get the floor wiped with them. Too many unskilled players = Skilled Players wipe the floor with everything.


What about a Combat Master in your home instance, who raises in difficulty and offers better rewards the more skilled you get, and no Armour Penalty if you get beaten? That way, you can improve your skill while not having to worry about Gear Repairs and such.

That said, there’s something like that in the Mists already.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Events that are easier/harder according to the player's skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DaWolv.8503


The only reason why some Events might come across as “too hard” is because there are too many enemies/player, not because the monsters are too tough.

C’mon guys…

Events that are easier/harder according to the player's skills.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GustavoM.7605


How do you balance that when you got an event with, say, 20 people in?

Let’s say that 20 of those players, 15 have been flagged as “skilled”, while the other 5 aren’t. Then, different “difficulty” settings should do the trick (Different “kinds” of “hard”, so to say. Like, “hard” In a ranking of “1 to 10”. Something like that. That also goes for “easy”.), making this said event as “moderate difficult”, to satisfy both sides of the coin. If a unskilled player finds a mob that Is appropriate to a skilled player, It would have enough skilled players to wipe said “extra hard” mob for him/her.

And giving exclusive benefits (non cosmetic) for skilled players does not seem to be appropriate, leading to possible griefing/abuse/exploits/etc.