Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubby.6475


the reporter should get free 1 gold! :p

FFWC forum moderators. :)

Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ageia.5843


I’d be rich in game! I approve of this suggestion! :P

Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arshness.3216


The economy would be destroyed.
A smaller amount would work tho.
And if you give a gold incentive to bot/gold seller reporting, people’d be more likely to do that than to bot/buy gold.
(Seriously, they’ll never do this.)

Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

in Suggestions

Posted by: synk.6907


You’d see a pretty drastic increase in reports made on regular players, as well, I’d wager. Pretty flawed system then.

If you got a small reward for a report made on a character that did end up being investigated and found to be botting, though, that’d be swell. ;)

Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Synk, your problem would be solved by the reverse – if a report is false, tax the reporter the same amount they would have received.

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Everytime someone reports a gold seller or botter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Honestly , that is silly , people should report because they want a clean game , not because they want to receive rewards.

And anyway , even if you do not report because there is no reward , tons of others will for free.

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