Exotic Dyes
I agree that sounds pretty cool, but I sort of get the feeling they’ll be adding Ascended or Legendary armor eventually.
If the Ascended armor was infused twice, I could see it getting mist swirlies like the capacitor back piece. And if they did Legendary armor, then clearly that would have Legendary effects.
That said… both of those things would probably take much, much longer, and cost much, much more to obtain than a new RNG dye tier.
Sounds great, love the idea of a glow channel and the main colour channel being separate from each other, my mesmer would love to have a purplish glow :-)
As an aside how would people feel about iridescent dyes, could even be made to work with the suggested mechanic.
I agree, but if the are going to give cool effects like that they need to be Legendary. What sets a Legendary apart from an Exotic is the effect it brings with it. I guess there could be some lesser effects for Exotic and better effects for Legendary dye.
(edited by Midnight Gypsy.9360)
Oh please no, no Ascended or Legendary gear. Its just another grind. No fun at all. There is currently so much inflation that getting a legendary for someone with a live is impossible.
The dyes sounds pretty awesome tho.
I like this Idea. One of the things I remember liking from Rift were Items that gave you auras fromt he different realms. The Purply Death Aura was awesome. Some dyes that could do that, or give shadowy trails and the like would be pretty epic. Make it a crazy cooking recipe or something.
I don’t know what an exotic dye would do, but I think it’s a very interesting concept. Maybe it’s streaks of color, particle effects, blends, shimmers, or something that varies with the material of the armor (looks matte on leather, but shiny on metals).
I am sure that the GW2 artists would come up with something very cool.
Good idea.
Good idea. Mine tho
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