Farming? Will we be allowed to make money?

Farming? Will we be allowed to make money?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silent The Gray.3091

Silent The Gray.3091

I’m sure the question has been asked, but I feel it needs to be constantly reminded because the lack of it just seems like bad design, but will we ever get the chance to actually farm in this game? You know what really sucks, holding that carrot out in front of us and then telling us the only path we can take to get it. We can farm dungeons, once a day for some decent cash, we can farm enemies religiously until diminishing returns kick in, we can even play trading post for the ever slightest amount of profit that is barely worth noting.

I don’t see how farming would hurt this game at all and it just seems out of sheer ignorance that it isn’t in the game now. It would help so much of the playerbase feel like they could reach that carrot with a reasonable amount of effort. What are people thinking on this?

Farming? Will we be allowed to make money?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


…What are people doing now, if it’s not “actually” farming?

I guess I’m just not sure what you’re suggesting. Make farming one zone/dungeon path more profitable? I’m not sure exactly what problems that will solve.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Farming? Will we be allowed to make money?

in Suggestions

Posted by: jsduke.6537


Yeah, I’m not sure what you’re after, either. People are farming already. People farm all the time. The problem with things like “The Eternal Frostgorge Champ Farm” is that all those boxes drop new money into the game, and that drives inflation. Champ Farming is like a tap that is always running, dumping new money into the game.

We all farm because we all need money, but all that money drives inflation and the price of everything goes up, so we need more farming for more money.

It’s a vicious cycle, bro. Vicious.