Faster mini pets and "excessive" messaging

Faster mini pets and "excessive" messaging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbell.5763


I think mini pets should have the character’s speed. It’s a bit annoying when you’re trying to show off your mini pet to your friends and have to wait for it to catch up to you.

Also my friend was trying to send me some mats and dyes he didn’t need and I needed the mats and liked the dyes but after he sent TWO mails he got the message of “excessive messaging” so we had to wait.

When I’m in map chat trying to recruit for the guild or a dungeon run if we post 2 or 3 messages (NOT in the same 5~10 mins mind you) I get the same message… And I can’t message anything at all for more than 15 minutes (yes I counted >.>) and it gets annoying seriously..

If arena net could change it it would be awesome. If not well, just keep this in mind.

Faster mini pets and "excessive" messaging

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


For the miniatures, it’ll be nice if they were faster, at least if you are far from them.
But you can always hide and show them again to force them to reappear next to you if they are far away and are taking to long.
They also teleport next to you if they get too far away from you.

The limit on mails with items is there to slow down hackers and botters sending items to other accounts.

If you use the same chat line several times, you’ll get that message. Or if you ping items or map points in the chat several times.

No exceptions!

Faster mini pets and "excessive" messaging

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sedoks.3576


Mini pets running with the speed of the character is weird. That small pet running that fast will ruin his animation o.o
About “excessive” messaging yeah it should be removed. That Isn’t a way to deal with botters or hackers. They should make some system that bans them instead.