Favourite Dyes Account Bound

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


Since Anet doesnt want to make dyes acc bound, let us choose 8 of the dyes and make them acc bound, if you unfavourite, then the dyed armor part become “no color dye” or whatever is the name from when you clear the color with the eraser.

It makes us happy, because account bound dyes, and Aney happy because not all the dyes would be account bound

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: BaconCatTheGreasy.9542


I don’t agree with this. Dyes are character bound for as reason. We may not like it (I actually don’t mind but some do it seems), but it’s here to stay.

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


well they said in this psot that dyes would be account bound and not chracter bound

“Once you unlock the color, it will be available across your entire account, not just the individual character.”


Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: BaconCatTheGreasy.9542


So? Things change. By your logic they should go back to the seed based dye system because it was in beta.

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


So? By your logic everythin has to be in the way you like and cant be changed? Not everyone has the money, nor time, to grind money for dyes you know?

You said it by yourself, things change, so this can change too.

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


So? By your logic everythin has to be in the way you like and cant be changed? Not everyone has the money, nor time, to grind money for dyes you know?

You said it by yourself, things change, so this can change too.

…then don’t get them, simple. They’re a luxury item, not a necessity. Most dyes already sell for a pitifully low price on the trading post, their price would become even more laughable if they became account bound since there would be even less demand.

(edited by Garenthal.1480)

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: bobyd.4698


…then don’t get them, simple. They’re a luxury item, not a necessity. Most dyes already sell for a pitifully low price on the trading post.

I’m not arguing if I should get them or not, I do what I want with the gold, I’m saying make the favourite dyes account bound

Favourite Dyes Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: MilitiaMasterV.7216
