Feature to merge Guild Chat & Influence
what should be gotten rid of is the ability to belong to multiple guilds, what a silly a community destroying idea for absolutely no gain at all.
what should be gotten rid of is the ability to belong to multiple guilds, what a silly a community destroying idea for absolutely no gain at all.
I don’t about that Catisa =)
I enjoy my guilds, & think the option to join multiple guilds strengthens the GW2 community. These features would improve our community if the chats of our guilds were merged & our earned influence went to each.
Now being coerced to represent a guild because of perks or threats of demotion or expulsion, …that’s already proven to disrupt relationships. Our Guild Representation mechanism as it exists now, is the real culprit actively destroying the GW2 community.
Especially since the Guild Mission patch, I’ve personally witnessed friends who began GW2 to play together only to drift apart because of they’re coerced represent different guild. Same thing with people who became friends in game, but are again coerced to represent guilds different of each others.
It’s sad really…but I’m optimistic Anet would fix this unintended problem.
No, pick a guild and stick to it. There is only 1 excuse for being a member of multiple guilds and that is if the other guild is just for extra storage.
I really like this idea! The multi-guild system really does need a way to unify guilds! Whats the point otherwise?!
No, pick a guild and stick to it. There is only 1 excuse for being a member of multiple guilds and that is if the other guild is just for extra storage.
So you’ve never had more than 1 circle of friends? Get outta here…
I really like this idea! The multi-guild system really does need a way to unify guilds! Whats the point otherwise?!
No, pick a guild and stick to it. There is only 1 excuse for being a member of multiple guilds and that is if the other guild is just for extra storage.
So you’ve never had more than 1 circle of friends? Get outta here…
You’re absolutely correct Snow White <3
One major flaw. Other than the brokeness of just joining as many guilds as possible just to create obsene amounts of influence to make everything irrelevant.
The one major flaw is logistics. You belong to guilds a b and c. I belong to c f and t. Another person belongs to t r and s. You and I talk in guild chat and understand each other. But the other person only sees my part of the conversation. Now imagine a few hundred half conversations at once. It would be purely useless
Plus you do know you only earn influence while working with guild mates right? If you are running with them why not just rep anyway
(edited by Teraphas.6210)
sorry but i don’t consider that piddly bit you get solo as really earning, its like what you get for just logging in. just one other guildie with you is 10x the gain.
The one major flaw is logistics. You belong to guilds a b and c. I belong to c f and t. Another person belongs to t r and s. You and I talk in guild chat and understand each other. But the other person only sees my part of the conversation. Now imagine a few hundred half conversations at once. It would be purely useless
so why not be able to have separate tabs for each guild and only chat with that guild. just like people in guild cant see your party chat unless they are in your party.
secondly. being able to determine where your influence you earn goes.
secondly. being able to determine where your influence you earn goes.
I believe that would be repping
One major flaw. Other than the brokeness of just joining as many guilds as possible just to create obsene amounts of influence to make everything irrelevant.
The one major flaw is logistics. You belong to guilds a b and c. I belong to c f and t. Another person belongs to t r and s. You and I talk in guild chat and understand each other. But the other person only sees my part of the conversation. Now imagine a few hundred half conversations at once. It would be purely useless
Plus you do know you only earn influence while working with guild mates right? If you are running with them why not just rep anyway
I think you misunderstood.
It would work much like any other chat, except one would see messages from all of their guilds in a single channel, rather than switching representation.
When people mistakenly send messages in the wrong chat, others only see part of that conversation. Not that messaging mistakes should matter, being the conservation’s would be between the people intended anyway.
Concerning the Influence feature, sharing the influence earned across all guilds to which one’s a member—however small, would help in preventing need for creating swollen guilds without paying hundreds or more gold to gain the various Guild Events. Two example of how this Influence feature can work are:
- One earn 10 Influence. All of their guilds also gain 10 Influence.
- One earn 10 Influence. A percentage of that 10 is distributed with the guild being Represented gaining the most of the Influence earned, 70:30 if in 2 guilds, 60:20 if in 3, 55:15 if in 4, 52:12 if in 5.
It’s not neurosurgery. No reason to make this change appear difficult.
(edited by Ra the Eternal.1635)
Hmm… not into multiple guilds never have been that’s why we have a friends list lmao! Need way to much influence for upgrades that benefit everyone in the guild for people to be in a ton of guilds, the whole point is to work as a team and have fun doing so. There is a friends list and group feature that works just fine
Anyhow.. Teraphas no offense or anything but you get influence for whichever guild your representing doesn’t matter if your in a group with them or not.
5 guilds wouldn’t suggest a ton. The idea to merge the guild chats of those to which one already belongs; not increase the number they can join.
It would be great if we had the option to merge the chats for all of our guilds, so we don’t have to keep switching representation just to keep up on current events.
I would like to see the ability to formalize an alliance across guilds, and a separate “Alliance” chat channel. That would let guilds organize events together, but keep their private guild stuff private.
I’m in multiple guilds because one of my guilds is too large to fit in a single guild (alliance chat would solve a big problem there), a smaller guild of friends that I sometimes group up with and like to represent when we’re grouped so they get the bonus influence, and I’ve got a personal guild with my husband so we can stash overflow crafting mats and runes and such.
It makes life so much easier to be able to change my representation on the fly so I don’t have to swap characters just to get something out of the guild stash I share with my husband.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams