Please dev’s there are probably numerous calls/posts to sort this by lots of players and although i could scout the forums for previous posts i’d like to state my own.
The health system is still way underpowered and for all classes in this game. I/We are finding that the hit and dmg ratio on giving and recieving dmg if very unbalanced. I’ve levelled a thief to 80 and enjoyed the experiance although so many times through the gameplay ive found myself running or backing out of which was a “SIMPLE” fight. If i didnt have an ambush build thief in PVE play i’d be dead within secs of starting a fight. Now i know things shouldnt be easy and i dont want that but the dmg taken from mare whimp based mobs are stupid to state a fact getting hit per stike of around 300/1400 hit points some in linked skill succession and being only 13k health having a mob attacking you then getting damaged by a pair between 600/2800 hit points per stike by a pair. within a few stikes which is fast due to fast combat you can be dead between 5/10 secs. Now when fighting in level 30/40 areas my thief seems balanced being overall lvl 80 but soon as you start getting to those higher level areas close to your own stated level it becomes ridiculous to have any balanced mob based fight.
Solution: Well, all i can think is make us tougher in armour/health give us a better parry/evade ratio or to lower the dmg output of the mobs in game. I cant see combat being really fun till this issue is looked into. We just need more “balance”
Cheers & good job so far, just needs more fine tuning this area especially.
You’re playing a glass cannon thief with the lowest tier of health in the game, so yes you’re going to have to use all the tools at your disposal to stay alive. I’ve found that the difference in stat ranges a simple trait allocation or set of equipment has can make a big difference in the survivability of a character.