Few Suggestions

Few Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twinbros.5372


So all in all I would say that the game is pretty amazing. Though there are a few kinks to work out (skill challenge bugs among other things). But my suggestions come from things I found frustrating about the game and they are as follows.

I know a few people who would say making gold is “easy” but for me and frankittenhe majority of people I’ve spoken to agree, it takes an act of god to make money in this game. I’ll admit not having an 80 yet and perhaps things will change once I reach that point. But so far, from 1-60 I have rarely had more then 2g on me at any time.

Now here is the deal, I have 5 characters. All of whom I’m attempting to level W/professions (not pouring money into them at all just leveling with the mats I get) so most the Items I get end up salvaged for mats. Recently I stopped salvaging things and focused solely on selling to vendor and while I have seen a slight increase in profit, it still feels like I’m moving a mountain.

I see people getting the commander title (100g if im not mistaken) So I’m lead to believe that buying gems and converting them to gold is the only viable option. But even then the conversion of said items is dismal. $50 for 4,000 gems. 4,000gems = 11gold 20silver.

So yea bit of a rant anyway I think making money a tad more available would be nice. Not saying give us a gold for every mission or kill or anything huge, just more then 1 silver ..perhaps 10 silver per mission would be lovely.

WvWvW upgrades:

While I’m fine with most the upgrades there are a few that seem..useless to be frank. I think they either need to be reworked, have their cost reduced, or removed from the game entirely.

Supply Camps- The only useable upgrade is the increase of supplies carried by the doly’s. All the Guard upgrades however are pretty useless considering 1 person can solo a camp and cap it. While the upgrades make it more annoying to cap, it can still be done by one person.

Solution would be to increase the guards health/dmg significantly to require more then 1 80 to take it. Remove the options period or decrease the cost of such upgrades to the copper currency.

Towers- Structural upgrades and additions are fine. It’s the Personel additions that I once again take issue with. Like their Supply Camp counterparts, the addons need all the above mentioned tweeks. And the “additional Guards” upgrade could actually use some…additional guards. 2 more easily killed guards is not 15silver worth.

Keeps- Structural upgrades are fine, but Structural additions could use more cannon/mortar placements. These defenses are FAR too easy to take out by enemy players, even useless when AOE focused on since you the player take dmg in addition to the defense structure itself. (And easy fix mayhaps is to prevent the user from taking dmg until the cannon is destroyed?) And once again the NPC Guards are far too easy to work around. Especially for the outrages prices.

That leads me to another grip, upgrade costs at keeps. Supply camps and towers seem to have payable expense, but Keep upgrades are over the top priced. Especially for the majority of players who like mentioned above are only sitting on 2-5g at a time. I think an overall decrease in upgrade cost would be nice. No more 75silver -1gold 50silver upgrades, 50-75 silver tier 3 expenses are far more reasonable.

These are just a few things I have issues with and would very much like to see changed or improved on. Just my 2 cents…which is about all it seems I ever have on my person in this game.

Tarnished Coast. 80 Elementalist , 80 Ranger, 80 Mesmer, 80 Guardian

Few Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Twinbros.5372


Forgot another thing thought I would add.

Commander Title:

So there are a few things wrong with this title, and to be honest I’m not sure if having them hurts a realm more or helps it. My realm has some decent commanders on it, but I’m not sure if its because of their “leadership skills” or because people follow the commander sign like lemmings. The flip side is, when there is no commander, people tend to wander aimlessly and will not listen to someone who does not have the blue icon above their character. So to be honest I don’t think I would miss the mechanic if it was taken out of the game entirely.

That said I doubt GW2 will take it out so I would suggest changing the way it is obtained. As it stands right now you get it buy having 100g, fairly easy to get if you outright buy the gold. The problem is it says nothing of the persons capabilities as a PVP leader. I would suggest changing the currency to badges of honor or a new system all together. That way you know the person has at least the basics of PVP down and had to actually work for the title.

Tarnished Coast. 80 Elementalist , 80 Ranger, 80 Mesmer, 80 Guardian

Few Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdg.8462


I think I read in a different forum that the commander thingy for 100g is usually obtained by guild members contributing some money towards its purchase.