Fight CarpalTunnel !(Shift Click Feature)

Fight CarpalTunnel !(Shift Click Feature)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Razariel.5091



Ok all kidding aside, having to click in many cases a ridiculous number of times to purchase various consumables is quite a pain for anyone. In some cases quite literally due to physical ailments like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and others along those lines.

Having the ability to (Shift Click/Enter number(qty.) like most other games would be better than having to click like a robot, and would be a viable option in GW2 thereby eliminating the current method of click till you just can’t stand it any more.

Please acknowledge and alleviate this obvious oversight.

(edited by Razariel.5091)

Fight CarpalTunnel !(Shift Click Feature)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Veyroush.3129


I don’t know, I’ve found that clicking 1000 times to get 4 stacks has really boosted the stamina of my clicking finger…… OK being able to just pick a number to purchase would be nicer though, due to the strain on my muscles and tendons from turbo clicking, it took me 10 minutes to type this. Good idea Raz.

Fight CarpalTunnel !(Shift Click Feature)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jejune.3027


Besides the physical problems the constant single click could cause, it is also time consuming to the player. Being able to buy in designated stacks (i.e. 150, 200 etc.) could postpone or even reverse any physical problems and also free up the player so they can resum playing the game.

Fight CarpalTunnel !(Shift Click Feature)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dietpepsy.6901


oh i think a way to bulk buy would enhance my gaming fo sho