First-Person view

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: DonRobeez.3560


I’m not sure if this has been requested before but it would be really nice to be able to zoom into first-person. At some points you could look around much better then third-person. You can enjoy sightseeing, get a better view when you want to take a look at other player’s characters and npc’s.

This is also a must-have for those (such as myself) who want to make all sorts of video’s.
It will allow them to get better camera angles, and their own character won’t be in the way all the time.

In it’s current state it’s nearly impossible to make music video’s, machinima and what not other then general gameplay video’s and livestreams.

Infested Kerrigan I [TaG]
Gunnar’s Hold
Youtube channel:

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Agreed. Also add an option for “head bob” so that players can have more realism when in 1rst person, while those filming videos can have a steady cam option

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illiander.8049


It’s been requested lots.

Playing on Gentoo.

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


Agreed. It was in dev beta, not sure why they took it out.

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Yup, we need this for machinemas.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kenril.7089


This is really one of my most wanted feature : screenshots, jumping puzzles, immersion ! I can’t understand why Arenanet thought it would be a good idea to remove such a nice feature… Please bring it back ASAP !!!

Count Kenril, Ascalonian Warrior
Legio Umbra [LU]
Piken Square

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: TechCat.4819


I love the Vistas because they allow you to not focus on your character in the center of the screen. Sometimes I want to get a good look at what other players have done with their characters, but it’s really difficult to do unless you can manage to get behind them juuust right.
Granted, your first person view could be radically different depending on your race! Being an Asura would get kinda annoying if you’re stuck looking at a lot of human groins. There’s probably reasons as for why they removed it, and I am fairly certain they’re working on it on the back-burner.

First-Person view

in Suggestions

Posted by: DonRobeez.3560


Not sure but don’t the camera’s have a centralized view? No matter the height? Or am I wrong?

Infested Kerrigan I [TaG]
Gunnar’s Hold
Youtube channel: