

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


This activity can be part of the cooking job — for people who likes to stand around and be social, they’ll be able to have something to do while they’re at it. Instead of having to harvest or hunt creatures, you can now fish! Who knows, this can also be for people who tends to be idle but wants to get something at least.

I know most people prefer to just dive down to hunt/fight the fishes, but there are also those who are more chill and likes to gamble. I remember my friends and I, out of all the possible things you can do in an MMO, we chose to do fishing just to see what random loots we’ll get.

Your Hero doesn’t always have to do the dirty job of hunting, you can be like the NPC’s and just stand on land with a whole bunch of players around fishing also.

Pros: adding new dynamics to PvE.
Cons: …any suggestions?


in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I RP a char who is a 16 year old girl. She loves fish! Not only do I support the idea of fishing, but she should be able to catch a fish with her bare hands. It should be very difficult, as it is iRL, but it should be possible.

Brought to you by the What the Kitten’s For Dinner Society


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


All games should have fishing. There is an illustrious history of fishing in all sorts of games. If it was good enough for the Zelda franchise, it is good enough for Guild Wars!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Shandim.8694




in Suggestions

Posted by: Apostle.3180


I agree I was 400 cook by day 3 and I feel as tho Fishing would add another amazing activity to do in this game, If your going to add fishing make sure you do it along the lines of FFXI, that by far has the best fishing system in any MMO I have ever played.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Fishing would be fun in GW2!

Make it so!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


Idea: incorporate fishing into a festival sport, much like the current keg brawl (keg football?) in the Norn city. I note that the Sylvari have a decent amount of water sitting around their city.

I’d still love to have fishing as a separate “gathering” endeavor or mini-game or activity for quiet contemplation, but a fishing tournament or competition would perhaps be more in the spirit of GW2.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal.2376


Fishing would be a good addition. Many MMORPGs do have fishing, so it’s kind if like a staple. As long as it is not made mandatory, for something more to do for the people who find it fun would be fine by me.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Fidjit.4162


I would LOVE if they added fishing. It’s in a lot of MMOs, and always one of my favourite activities. Especially with GW2, there are so many beautiful locations you could stop and fish at.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Angelus.1042


Plus 1 yay!!!….I can imagine what you would catch if you were fishing in Orr….>.>


in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Love this idea. I too wondered why there isn’t any fish recipes or why we can’t just sit back and fish.

Fishing can be done for fun, competitive events, dynamic events and for crafting skills such as cooking.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverwing.3416


I’ve always loved the exploration aspect of fishing. Find a hidden body of water in a far corner of a zone? Wonder what interesting things I’ll catch there….

I’ve definitely noticed the lack of fishing in GW2. I kept looking at the water, wishing I could sit down and fish peacefully for a while before running off to kill more monsters.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Drudenfusz.2971


I also would like to see fishing in some form in the game.

Gwenya Drudenfusz [Boon], Norn Mesmer on Desolation


in Suggestions

Posted by: Duveth.5742


no need waste time on that


in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


As long as it’s a mini-game and NOT something you can do AFK, it could be fun.

t could be something simple enough to do it while you do something else like watching a movie or chatting with friends. Like Torchlight’s fishing minigame.

And, well, neutral and hostile fish (the ones with levels and yellow or red names) should drop fish meat once in a while.

No exceptions!

(edited by MithranArkanere.8957)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Phantax.1369


100% agree with this one. plz add fishing to the game.
(maybe even add the making of poles / reels to professions)


We’re not retreating… we’re advancing in a different direction !
Money can’t buy happiness, But it allows you to search in more places to find it !


in Suggestions

Posted by: chris E.4917

chris E.4917

I would love to see this as well


in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


100% agree with this one. plz add fishing to the game.
(maybe even add the making of poles / reels to professions)


Good one! I also like that idea of making poles/reels for fishing. Maybe the higher you upgrade, the better chances of you catching higher level items.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Noxu.7203


I definitely agree on fishing! It adds a little something else to the game, to keep me all the more entertained!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Nefaria.7659


Fishing is totally something I do to mellow out in games. It’s a great thing to just chill and do.

As mentioned earlier, FFXI’s (revised) system is pretty good, I also am fond of Torchlight/Torchlight II’s methods.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeson Thackery.5927

Aeson Thackery.5927

I love fishing, please, please add!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikoshin.2430


Even if this was an emote it would be awesome to have, although i like the idea of spicing up cooking with more fish related stuff. An item (toy) like the pirate sword would be interesting as well. would have same effects as the example emote below.

example emote:
/fish or /fishing, can only be used near body’s of water. your character starts to fish

displayed text :
Ikoshin is fishing, Ikoshin hopes to catch a big fish today! (something like this)

you see your character fishing throwing out and reeling in the line, possibly putting bait on and recasting after a short while.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Jazarra.4056


Would love to see fishing in the game! I’ve seen tons of great places to fish while exploring.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


I have no problem with the idea of fishing as a new gathering type, however your description of it as something to do “while idle” and “never moving” is unlikely to fly with the design directions GW2 is invested in.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


I have no problem with the idea of fishing as a new gathering type, however your description of it as something to do “while idle” and “never moving” is unlikely to fly with the design directions GW2 is invested in.

Good one, thanks for pointing that out. Fishing shouldn’t be designed for being idle then.
It would be nice enough for Anet to implement some form of fishing into the game, so it adds familiarity and social spots for players to gather around.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Syphenion.5064


I think they were already planning to add fishing. Haven’t you noticed the lack of fish-related products and ingredients in cooking, despite there being salmon and other fishes everywhere?

¸.•´¸.¤•*´¨) ¸.•*¨”˜`”°ºooº°””˜`”°ºooº°””˜`
(¸.•´ (¸.•Alloy~ Piken Square Roleplayer~


in Suggestions

Posted by: gillius.2856


oh god no… not fishing thing again…lol.

I have never seen the attraction for sitting there clicking yr fishing line for hours to level this up.

But having said that i hope they do add it as it seems so many people enjoy it.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Shandim.8694


I think many people would enjoy this in-game activity, and this addition to the game doesn’t sound too out-of-reach for ArenaNet.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sokram.7856


If this would be implemented, it would have to be a crafting activity like others, and count towards your 2 active crafting skills at a time


in Suggestions

Posted by: Shandim.8694



Perhaps it would, or perhaps it wouldn’t be a crafting activity at all? I could see this working out similar to mining/chopping/harvesting materials, except using various types of fishing poles purchased from vendors and gathering fish from random schools of fish in bodies of water.

(edited by Shandim.8694)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sokram.7856


Good point, would be acceptable as well!


in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


Thanks for the support of this idea!
I wonder what ArenaNet’s opinions are on this. It’s hard to get a response from them in the suggestions thread.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Sir Richter Belmont.3258

Anet gave us cooking, think that is enough, i hate fishing was the most painful thing to do in any game I played.

you want chance and gamble in catching things or alike, you got the mystic forge


in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


Anet gave us cooking, think that is enough, i hate fishing was the most painful thing to do in any game I played.

you want chance and gamble in catching things or alike, you got the mystic forge

Then again, the mystic forge requires you to sacrifice four items; it has a instant result and does not have the same concept as fishing.
Some people may find fishing boring, while others enjoy the relaxing and social aspect of it — either way, it is not mandatory for progression, so a person who finds it painful can ignore it completely.

(edited by Yozoh.8179)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Safire.9143


Yes i like fishing, but make it really hard to master, not just one week for max lvl :/


in Suggestions

Posted by: Cezar The Husky.4953

Cezar The Husky.4953

Would be nice (Y)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Drojdier.8563


Anet gave us cooking, think that is enough, i hate fishing was the most painful thing to do in any game I played.

you want chance and gamble in catching things or alike, you got the mystic forge

But they wouldn’t force it down your throat if they implemented it, right? The way you wish to force the lack of it down ours just because it’s not on your list of “I like” things. Thank you for your useless intervention.

Back OT: fishing should definitely be implemented as an additional gathering profession. The things you obtain from it can be used for cooking, dyes (oils), leatherworking (oils again), potions, maybe even foci from bones. A chance to catch chests, or other random stuff could also be added – god knows how many tires I caught IRL)

Bottom line is that plenty of people love it, it is a standard in most MMOs and in GW2 it could be taken even further: underwater spear fishing


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


I think it would be a neat way to “gather” cloth and leather, actually. Make one of the possible drops into salvage items that are zone-level appropriate. It would alleviate lots of people’s frustrations with obtaining jute.

Also on my wish list: Fishing tournaments and fishing events. I bet they could design a fishing tournament that’s more fun than the old WoW design. I hated those tastyfish so much! Never did get the salty title….


in Suggestions

Posted by: theerrantventure.9185



Sometimes after a long day I don’t have the mental stamina to actually focus on the game for things like events and quests. Sometimes just logging in and sitting in a scenic area with soothing music is enough while I chat with friends. To be able to have a simple activity to do then, like fishing, would be great! My wife’s character cooks so I could supply her with fish to cook up while chilling by a river/stream/lake/pond.

Trolls are like stray cats.
Feed them and they multiply.
Please do not feed them.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnightjade.3520


I think the reason they don’t have it is because of the chances of exploitation by blots. I played Final Fantasy XI for years and Fishing was the #1 way that bots exploited the game. They sat AFK in out-of-the-way places and just spammed away until their inventory was full, then sent the catch to a goldfarmer for sale on the TP to cooks. When it’s 1 bot, it’s not a problem, but at the time it was hundreds, many of which were stolen accounts.

I’d like to see Fishing too but it is more complicated for the economy than you might think.

Onyx: Norn Guardian 80. Queen in Tatters: Asura Mesmer 80.
[The Flameseeker Prophecies] 4/11/13
Itinerant, no guild.


in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


I think the reason they don’t have it is because of the chances of exploitation by blots. I played Final Fantasy XI for years and Fishing was the #1 way that bots exploited the game. They sat AFK in out-of-the-way places and just spammed away until their inventory was full, then sent the catch to a goldfarmer for sale on the TP to cooks. When it’s 1 bot, it’s not a problem, but at the time it was hundreds, many of which were stolen accounts.

I’d like to see Fishing too but it is more complicated for the economy than you might think.

I think that there are ways to counteract this. Fishing could be a more involved mini-game. It could have relatively poor loot. It could function exactly like the other gathering options, with nodes and fishing poles that function similarly to the mining picks and axes. It could be located only in areas where there are veterans to fight, like many of the “rich X veins.” It could produce only account-bound items. I’m sure there are other creative ways to deal with it as well. It could produce nothing more substantial than achievements.

Your complaint is certainly valid, but I don’t think fishing necessarily has to be something bots dominate. I think a lack of imagination and foresight contributes heavily to fishing being botted in many online games.


in Suggestions

Posted by: zagaara.6724


Hopefully Anet will brin in an excitin fishin mini-games,
as what we avail on our cellphone,
It will be fun and addictive to just have an awesome fishing day,
chat our worried away, watch the sky blue lake and had a drink of ale by the lake or seaside.


in Suggestions

Posted by: VicSkimmr.3216


I’d love for it to be added, but it needs to be an engaging activity


in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


I’d love for it to be added, but it needs to be an engaging activity

Yes, I can see now why it needs to be engaging and I agree.

The world environment is nicely designed and I think fishing would fit in perfectly.


in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Hey. I just remembered that some merchants sell fish dishes. But you can’t craft those.

We should be able to do so. There should be fish meat.

No exceptions!


in Suggestions

Posted by: FurMaz.1645


I agree with fishing, 1-400 fishing would be nice. I would love to have skinning too, with skinning knives and all..


in Suggestions

Posted by: Midnight.7526


I like this idea as well. I have enjoyed fishing in —ahem-- other games, and would love to see this added.