1. Really, really enjoy the game.
2. All opinions expressed herein are just that.
3. Pancakes are delicious.
Most particularly the PLETHORA of post 50 broken events, stuck skill points, and glitchy story missions. I’m sympathetic to the fact that there’s a lot of content here, and some bugs are to be expected, but it really does get a little ridiculous in the later zones. It takes a lot of the luster off the beautiful world design when you’re bumping into broken event after broken event. “Oh, this one’s broken. Well, let’s try this other one, that sounds ne…oh, it’s broken too, I guess. Huh.” The worst part of all this is we keep getting patch notes that a bunch of broken events are fixed, and those same events are broken again within hours. There are really only so many mulligans you get on this.
There’s been no secret made of the fact that DAoC was a major inspiration for your WvWvW, but you left out a key element. A PvE super-dungeon that unlocks for a dominating side is essential. It pipes out some of the population of the leader, allowing underdogs to rally and gain some headway. It also adds a further objective to WvWvW, making the entire exercise more compelling. This is obviously a big thing to ask for if it’s done right, but I think it’s absolutely necessary for the long term health of WvWvW. Speaking of dungeons…
Dungeons…not your strong suit. I think there’s some raw materials there, but they’re all over the place. They’re too hard for the casual folks, and too scrambly (and not stocked with enough loots) for the hardcore folks. The repetition required for the cosmetic armor sets is punitive. It seems as though the nicest thing anyone really says about the dungeons is “I don’t like dungeons anyway so I just avoid them!”. I’m afraid the most constructive thing I can offer in this respect is that what you’ve got isn’t particularly working.
One of the most common complaints about dynamic events is that they’re “too zergy”. “All I do is spam my AoE”, people complain, and there’s some truth to it. Once a certain critical mass of people is reached, that is all that is required, and frankly it’s optimal if you want to tag mobs and collect loot. This is because events, in their current form, are not scaling well past 5-6 players. They need to produce more veteran and champion mobs, they need to start splitting players into different areas to attend to different things so they can’t cluster their AoEs, and they need to offer a meaningful threat to the single player beyond “I should make sure not to be the first guy to get aggro here”. I’d like to see Champion and Veteran mobs become a little more mobile and offensive, as well, and a little less “I am a bag of hit points”. Fortunately, this is a matter of tweaking some numbers.
I’m not suggesting a 5th level Moa should rain Orichalum, but if you want players to spread out and experience the breadth of the world you created, you need to NOT provide them with tangible material incentives to camp the hell out of a single zone. Adjust your loot dropping formula so lower level mobs have a chance of dropping crafting material and loot appropriate to the true level of of the player killing them. Do that, and I will GLADLY wander your world like Caine in Kung Fu getting into adventures just for the sake of shaking things up. As, I expect, will many others.
And while we’re on the subject, if I’m level 80, and I’m in a level 60 area, don’t level scale me to 60 and then attack me with a 66 mob. That is GALLING. =P