The way aggro works in the open world is utterly broken and leads to a lot of griefing.
It as if the game design facilitates and promotes grief.
Much of this game is about fairness and cooperation, and you do see that at early/mid levels. But once you hit 80, especially in Orr zones, especially when it comes to T6 gathering, you instead see typical MMO brat and scumbag behavior, and it is because the game provides a way for it to happen.
If some little brat aggros 10 mobs running around, those mobs should stay with the brat, not peel off onto random people the brat either gets near or intentionally runs over knowing that in this poorly designed game the mobs will peel off and attack other players.
Far too often, some brat will drag 10 mobs onto a gathering node, tap the node since it’s also moronic design to allow gathering while in combat, and “share” those 10 mobs with everyone else near the node, then run off, leaving all of those mobs in combat with other people.
There are two problems – the poorly designed way that aggro works in this situation, and the ability to gather in combat. Remove the ability to gather in combat and brats would be far less likely to drag mobs all over and onto other people. Instead people would be cooperating to clear mobs near nodes like they used to cooperate in early game.
The other problem is that mobs one punk scumbag wakes up far too readily move to other players who have nothing to do with the situation. If you attack, heal, intervene, do ANYTHING involving those mobs, that’s one thing, but if you’re just trying to stay out of they way and mobs are peeling off the original scumbag brat punk to attack others, that’s another thing.
So much of this game is well designed. This aspect simply is not. The way aggro works in this situation is a built-in griefing mechanism, it’s game facilitated griefing, it’s poor design, and it ruins fun for people who do like to cooperate and enjoy a fair environment.
Your lame game design in this situation turns people into griefing brats. For sure some do it intentionally, because unfortunately MMORPGs always have a decent sized population of undesirable punks, but some people undoubtably just do it because it’s possible and it’s more efficient for them to be d-bags than to play nice.
What is less common in Orr is to see people fighting mobs near nodes, or helping people who are shockingly fighting mobs near nodes. What’s more common is to see brats dragging tons of mobs thru other players, tapping nodes, and moving on, or running up while others are fighthing, tapping the node, not helping, and greedily going about their happy scumbag way.
You should NOT be able to gather a node where combat is occurring. Period. Fix your game design so that ALL of the design is about fairness and cooperation. Not just some of the game.
You can’t fix players that are scumbags, but you can fix broken design.