Fix MF gives teamplay rebirth, read that

Fix MF gives teamplay rebirth, read that

in Suggestions

Posted by: redgabber.5209


Hello ! please read

Is there a way to definitly fix the % MF issue and bring back a great teamplay system ?

Read below, it take few lines of code to solve many many prb in gw2.

Actually, if you want a full MF stuff, you don’t have the choice… you must DPS only.
What happen if my healer/support character want MF and play a dungeon with a full MF team (or not) ? … i can’t because it’s all about power/precision/mf.
It s a gameplay killer ! so bad !

Now imagine i can replace a stat by mf value. Imagine i play support and i replace power or precision with MF… yes ! now i can heal my friend as usual because i play the role i want… it s good !

Now imagine i m a tank, i replace power with MF, i m a real tanky now ! i don’t dps anymore and i can loot better ! it’s good !

And the best… imagine i m a warrior or a dps oriented, i replace toughness with MF, now i m a glasscanon..i deal pure dps and i loot ! it’s pretty good !

what does it mean ? it means that the tank become the only character with toughness so he take aggro for sure, my healer is now a real medic/support because i will never do critical hits !

by this way, i bring back teamplay, not trinity, but…. a little bit more realistic to the role players wants to play in party.

Of course, if the party is full MF they are in hardmode, and it’s good :!!!!
and they loot nice

I think this is the solution for guild wars 2 …. to let the player choose the stat to be replaced by MF, it could be permanent of temporary… you want harcore and reward ? ok just replace stat with mf and it’s done.

This is ending the dungon rush attitude, and people can play a real team work they ask for. Now the dungeon is challenge, teamplay is ok, and people will loot nice items.

What do you think of that ? hey ANet, read ! Help your game.

(edited by redgabber.5209)