Fix WvWvW

Fix WvWvW

in Suggestions

Posted by: SarahTV.6470


Seriously, your plan is not working.

Here is a screenshot of WvWvW in front of Anvil Rock Keep (Eternal Battlegrounds) at 1/11/13, at 4:46. What you are not seeing is… my allies, my enemies, the AOE’s that are killing people who have not rezzed… in fact, you ’re not seeing anything at all.

You sPvP is bueatiful. I’ve never had a problem playing with it. Not that I play very often, but I like playing in large group actions. I like being part of WvW. I do not like not having basic information available to me, such as enemy posistions! I waited three minutes before taking a screen shot, just hoping my own SERVER people would render. No dice.

I know I’m running somewhere between recommended and required specs, but really, I don’t know what the problem is. I can go play Planetside 2, and I don’t have this problem. I don’t have this problem in Wow. I don’t have this problem in any other game.

I know you keep saying you are working on it, but I am having a hard time believe that when you just mentioned that you abandonded the fix that you had planned a month ago.

WvW at peak times is unplayable as it current stands for any of my machines, and it is frustrating to say the least. While I love a lot of things about this game, something about allowing one side to see the battle, and not the other HAS to be done.
