Fix event reward ranks

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


I don’t get why you almost always get the gold reward rank in events, no matter if you just fired 5 shots/spells or been there from the start. This is unfair and should be changed.

Silver rank should be the standard rank and gold rank should be given only to the one’s who contributed the most to the event. Bronze rank should also be more common.

Right now you get bronze rank by only being in the same area, saying hello to the mob and silver if you contributed just a little. Gold is the standard award.

(I tried searching the forums for similiar threads but I did not found any)

(edited by Mejo.3198)

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


I don’t think it matters so much. If you personally get your gold rank then it shouldn’t matter to you what the person next to you gets.

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Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


Why doesn’t it matter? I don’t want to do all the work just so someone else can waltz in and earn gold rank by doing nothing.

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


Bump! Bump! Bump!

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


This is a pretty selfish post. First of all you have to factor in the mechanic of event scaling. If you’re doing Shadow Behemoth at 80 and there are people there of the required level 15, obviously they are not contributing as much as you, statistically.

I think this is why players who contribute not little but rather contribute until their limitations no longer allow it, deserve Gold rewards – it’s unfair to go to a lower zone with an 80 and blame the qualifying level 55 fornot doing well against the Shatterer soley because you did better.

Mind you, this is only for downscaled events. In lv80 events I imagine there is more of a baseline reqward qualifier.

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


Good point, but still…they could just fix it so if you are above the required level for the event, you should have to work harder to gain the same rank. What annoys me right now is that you get gold reward even if you come in late into the event and just swing around some, while others have been there from the start but still get the same reward. That’s unfair!

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbear.5910


I think Mejo has a good point here. i do often get a gold medal for doing almost nothing. 4 or 5 strikes and bam gold. this is not really fair compare to the other people who put more effort in it. effort should be rewarded. like ressing people healing buffing etc. not direct combat things. now people try to hit the dragon a few times before ressing anyone. The reward you get should mean something imo.

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


Redbear: Thank you!

Silver reward should be the standard reward, bronze if you just contributed a little and gold only to a selected few who contributed alot. Can’t see what so bad about that.

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnat.9405


I think they need to take an eye off of nerf/buff seesaw and WvW and look at their biggest opportunity for being a standout MMO – these events. I love the DE system but they’re so bland and unexciting. Gold medal should be something to strive for, and you should be rewarded with a green or gold item.

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mejo.3198


I am bumping this!

Fix event reward ranks

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wolf.5816


Why does the tournament reward chest give you the same items regardless of your rank? I’d really like some diversity considering I acquired almost all the items from the Tournament reward chests in 7 ranks. They might as well just put salvaged PvP materials in the chest so it would save me the trouble of having to open 23 victory chests and then salvaging seemingly hundreds of individual PvP gear that I already have in my dressing room. I have a lot of characters and now my bags are overflowing with arcane orbs and dust ect because there no reason to spend glory on anything besides Unidentified dyes.

Hopefully all this will get addressed in the up coming June 25th patch.

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