Fix loot

Fix loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


A lot of the drops obtained in dungeons are blue or green weapons or armor. Lower level characters might have a use for these but most lvl 80’s have full exotic gear giving two options: to sell this loot, or salvage. The problem is if you are being given loot that you will never use whats the point? Even rare items often end up going down this same path. It would be better to just give the player crafting mats, ectos, and gold instead of any gold, green or blue items just to save time and inventory space.

There was a similar situation in GW1 where in groups players would simply leave lower tier loot on the floor as it was more or less a waste of time.

It would also be nice to have unique dungeon specific drops (possibly legendaries) that don’t depend on tokens such as the BDS from GW1 just to add a little more excitement.

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.

Fix loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: vanRaamsdonk.8042


i agree that dungeons needs better loot and unique in-dungeon drops

Fix loot

in Suggestions

Posted by: CodeE.4857


I would also be content with just an ever so slight increase in rare and exotic chances from chests. Nothing major of course, we cant just get rares at every turn, but I’ve done all 3 paths of some dungeons with not a single rare drop. That’s pretty harsh.