Fix old stuff before adding more

Fix old stuff before adding more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asukota.3976


Well I have to say that I am very happy that there is new content coming soon. However with all of the broken mechanics, event, challenges and other content, why are those things not being addressed first? I and many other people want the game to be more playable rather than more content. If you want to add something, add a way to know when a mob is casting so that it’s not a guessing game with our interrupts. How about a real way to keep a group alive in PvE? Maybe some condition removal that works more than 50% of the time? Fix the OBSTRUCTED issue with ranged attacks with a clear line of sight. What about the BOTS that pop up at a gathering node then log out immediately after gathering? Add some AI to ranger pets. Fix our personal story quests. SLOW DOWN THE RESPAWNS!!! Wow they are stupid bad…. Most of the time, especially in Orr, it takes away the fun factor and just makes it stressful. Anyway there’s TONS that needs to be done before we get additional content please.
A concerned citizen of Tyria,

Fix old stuff before adding more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


With so much entertainment out there competing for our free time, it’s harder than ever for games like this to recapture the players that have moved on, even without a subscription fee. For every person who patches 6 months down the road to check out what has changed, there are several that never will. It’s a steady release of new content AND the improvement of the existing game that will keep players logging in and convince lost players to return — one wouldn’t necessarily be enough without the other. To that end, MMO developers like ArenaNet usually split their staff up into teams that specialize in a specific aspect of the game’s development. I’m sure they have different teams working on improving the existing game at the same time that other teams are creating and testing new content. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Fix old stuff before adding more

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


It’s true. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

However I know the frustration of buggy content and know it’s put some off whilst others are waiting for them to tell us it’s fixed before playing.

I think Anet having a lot better communication – it’s probably the worst of any MMO i’ve been involved with – as to what they’re doing/their plans, would go a long way too.

Fix old stuff before adding more

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Please, fix all of the little things before you add new content…unless you desire to become another DDO…

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