Fix the Evade Hotkey!
Can you stop making new threads, please?
Yes this is the third topic I made about this subject.
In the first topic, I appreciate that you responded, Esplen, but you completely missed the point of the thread. Almost as if you didn’t read it…
Still, I thanked you, decided it was my fault for not being concise enough, and remade the thread a second time. To which it received 0 replies.
And now you ask me to stop making threads. Gee, thanks Esplen. It’s not like I’m trying to make this game control better for everyone playing it. Blatant Sarcasm
Yes this is the third topic I made about this subject.
In the first topic, I appreciate that you responded, Esplen, but you completely missed the point of the thread. Almost as if you didn’t read it…
Still, I thanked you, decided it was my fault for not being concise enough, and remade the thread a second time. To which it received 0 replies.
And now you ask me to stop making threads. Gee, thanks Esplen. It’s not like I’m trying to make this game control better for everyone playing it. Blatant Sarcasm
i dont like your attitude young man
it do interrupt skills.
Sorry for offending you Envy, that was between Esplen and I.
My goal is to improve the game’s controls. To make them consistent, and tighter. I love this game, but something basic needs to be fixed. There’s no denying it.
First off, as soon as I replied, you said that I missed the point, so you remade the thread to make it clearer.
That means that in one day (and yes, it was the same day) you made 2 threads about the same topic instead of just editing the first post to clarify (note: you deleted ALL your posts in that thread bar the final post to say that you remade the thread).
Then, when neither thread got anymore views because of the lack of clarification, you decided to make a new thread with the exact same wording (actually, this one has less wording making it less clear).
So, I’ll respond with my very first respond:
Evade is defaulted to “V”, you can change that hotkey…
Double-tap to evade is a bad option to have on because it destroys precision mobility. If you have no care to partake in jump puzzles or map exploration, feel free to keep it on.
Your post was asking for a hotkey to cast-cancel. In both of my responses to that thread, I listed both possible ways, using the ESC key and using the evade key. You stated that evade wasn’t very reliable, so I explained more.
Keep in mind that the evade key does interrupt skills. If you’re faster at double tapping a direction instead of pressing V (or whatever evade key you have) then that is faster to interrupt a skill. However, you are making threads complaining about a subject that is already working in the way that you want it to work.
(edited by Esplen.3940)
I’m sorry Esplen, but that’s not true. You replied twice in my original thread, both times, off topic, at which point I thanked you regardless. I moved on, with the goal of making a clear topic that would address a major issue in GW2. When you replied to me in this thread, you were immediately rude to me, and I responded in kind.
And yet, you are still missing the point. The evade hotkey doesn’t interrupt all skills. Yes, I’m aware it interrupts many skills. But many isn’t all skills.
The double tap evade, on the other hand, interrupts all skills. It is only logical to have the evade hotkey do the same.
If I was so off-topic, then why did you delete your posts?
The evade hotkey interrupts all skills. If you press it too late, your cast will still finish. The same can be said for double-tap to evade since most (if not all) casts continue while moving.
I don’t know what your talking about I use evade hotkey and the only problem I have is the ranger sword auto attack. But you can cancel the animation but using another ability and than dodging, so yes it’s a bug yes it needs addressed for the ranger. But every other class I’ve played no problems with hotkey ever. You should take this into bug reporting and post screenshots with data, etc maybe it’s a problem with your current set up etc. I for one don’t have a problem here.
are you telling me that i can dodge and use a skill in the same time? because so far any skill i used that was no instant was interrupted by my dodge (i use v i cannot double tap faster enough).
when i dodge my character just dodge, which one are the skill that are not interrupted?
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