Fix to Supressing Message

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: pcwizard.6357


I understand why they have the feature to supress messages to cut down on spamming, but it is really getting annoying that when I am messaging trying to find a group for a dungeon. It’s not like I am messaging constantly, just messaging once every 5-10 minutes. But after the 4th message in 30 minute period I get the message “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging”. The sad part is, even if I wait an hour, I still get the message. ANet really needs to make find groups easier for dungeons or at least put a time-out on when messages are suppressed.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: neko.9028


I agree with this. This makes it really hard sometimes to get people for a group. In Guild Wars there was a reasonable amount of time, but in GW2 it seems as if thought the time even resets if you make a seconds mistake. It’s really bothersome. I have to tell my party I’m suppressed, and they have to ask for people instead.

The grouping up system in this game is almost non existent, there’s two options, put yourself on LFG in your friends/status setting or say LFG. However, nobody uses the LFG in the status, because you don’t pop up anywhere(You only get the icon on your name). It would be better if it was the same system like in Guild Wars, that you get listed in a party search window, which says your level, profession, and what you want to team up for.


Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Few of us mentioned this during the BWEs as it got a bit silly.
They`ve set the thing to stop us from repeating text, where as it would be much better stopping us from sending too much over a short period of time instead.
Even typing “ty” for a res` more then 2-3 times you get hit with it lol

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daddicus.6128


If you understood the reasoning behind it, you would support it as-is, I think.

Try this: Change your message. Just replace a word or two each time.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

If you understood the reasoning behind it, you would support it as-is, I think.

Try this: Change your message. Just replace a word or two each time.

Doesn’t work. I’ve tried typing stuff to contribute to conversation in between each LFG. To still get hit with the suppression and got less times stating LFG. Then you can’t even type anything else at all as everything will be blocked. And a big inconvenience to reset it or wait it out.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


/second. This is ridiculous. It takes long enough to find a group that wants to do a story mission, I don’t need the game to be working against me finding a group.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


They implemented this feature quite poorly and it does more harm to the players than anything else.

This message was brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Why punish us as spammers along with the goldsellers?

Why not silence and insta-report anyone typing the websites that sell gold?

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: pregnable.1954


glf3m… glf2m… glf1m… blocked from typing



Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Soulstar.7812


Funny thing,
they have the message block in place, and goldsellers STILL manage to spam map chat…

Insult to injury I’d say.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I broke someone’s arm and then wrote ‘Tool!’ on their cast. That is adding insult to injury.

This post will be deleted in 3…2…1…

Brought to you by a Kitten with a Keyboard

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“I agree with this. This makes it really hard sometimes to get people for a group. In Guild Wars there was a reasonable amount of time, but in GW2 it seems as if thought the time even resets if you make a seconds mistake. It’s really bothersome. I have to tell my party I’m suppressed, and they have to ask for people instead.”

Actually, this is how it worked in GW1 for a very VERY long time. Basically, it had around a 5-10 minute timer and if you tried to talk any time during that the timer seemed to reset. Later on they lowered it to 1-2 minutes, then about 10-15 seconds.

Here it has gone pretty insane. I will note it is client based. . . Actually, a lot of problems seem client based. If you close and reopen the game it fixes the issue with the trade post jaming, and it clears your “you have talked to much” log.

That said, I tried waiting once when I was crafting to see how long it took. I was on “you have talked too much” for 45 kitten kitten minutes.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dino.3680


I agree, the “spam supression” is to agressive. not only for chat but also ingame mail. as the guilds chef, am always the one to cook and distribute food to the players for a dungeon run, but after two fast mails to different players i have to wait a short while before i can send another mail, and wait a little more before i can send the 4th mail. and sometimes wait even more because i am not doing the dungeon run and the 5th. player wants food too. that is really annoyin and gets tiresome really fast. They need to rework the suppression filter.

Kind regards. ~Dino

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zuleyus.7012



I’m not very talkative in chat, but even I have already been hit by this. Very disencouraging experience.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grand.4625


/ signed.

Currently I’m on 30 minute straight of not being able to chat, and I was just trying to get a group to kill the Champion Orrian Terror. This has happened before but from what I understood, Chat Suppression is supposed to last 15 or so seconds, and then stop when you’ve not texted for a while. So you can only send one text every 30 or so seconds basically. Right now its just permenantly silenced, this bug needs to get fixed.

Fix to Supressing Message

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pochibella.8394


How about take the suppression off totally and if someone is spamming and you report them, it blocks them so you can’t see it anymore and they are reported so Anet can look into it? That way, people who are legitimately using the chat can still use it, if someone is abusing it, the public can report and block at the same time. Win-win, yes?