Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Newfood.1672


Know that a lot of people are either really glad of Anet’s recent decision to change the Flamekissed set or kind of mad because they liked the way they had it. I am one of the latter, but since the change to this light armor is inevitable, would like to suggest a set that might be a bit appeasing as a second option.

The Cabalist set.

Not everyone would agree on this, but some might. I for one, would totally use this flaming Cabalist armor if I couldn’t keep the original Flamekissed. Anyway, that is just my suggestion.


Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Well trolled sir.

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: neytiri.9105


And I support the idea. I don’t love only one thing in Cabalist’s set – pompons on the footwear. The reat is great. But pompons won’t be looking good with fire, I guess

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


but why cabalist when you can go the route of that ultra random devout armor available from some weird vendor in the bowels of rata sum? become a totally inconspicuous cultist of teh fyah!

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Qin.7325


serious suggestion(s)
in regards to “flamekissed-light-armor-reskin-suggestion”

if we end up for example, absolutely hating the changed flamekissed skin

can we have the option to choose the default
human t3 cultural reskin that was just removed?

I’m really upset for not buying the default flamekissed armor before it was removed and am certain that I will not like the new version

another thing is instead of hastily removing newly released armor skins,
how about some warning next time like…
“Limited time armor skin sale that will end in the next 48 hours.
This armor skin will be replaced by a new version due to popular demand”

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


Nuup…no flame cult here, just wear the mask to cover some burn scars i got while…uhh…fighting fires? yea…i fought the great fire of…oh, um… skarjolfmodnorfittir’s lodge, yea..you shoulda seen it! Yea…definantly no weird cult thing happening here…


Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


serious suggestion(s)
in regards to “flamekissed-light-armor-reskin-suggestion”

if we end up for example, absolutely hating the changed flamekissed skin

can we have the option to choose the default
human t3 cultural reskin that was just removed?

I’m really upset for not buying the default flamekissed armor before it was removed and am certain that I will not like the new version

another thing is instead of hastily removing newly released armor skins,
how about some warning next time like…
“Limited time armor skin sale that will end in the next 48 hours.
This armor skin will be replaced by a new version due to popular demand”

this is a troll thread sir, several other threads out there to talk about how folks like us who coughed up real dough are getting screwed cause some1’s panties got into a twist over not wanting to pay, now which ugly lowbie armor set do you think is going to replace our stolen epicness?

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaoda.1653


I want something like the picture below – it would be perfect in my opinion, AND it would match all of the destroyer weapons:


Forever a supporter of more male skimpy armor

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


I want something like the picture below – it would be perfect in my opinion, AND it would match all of the destroyer weapons:

Only if there are no apparent clothes in said form and my characters look better than that bloated cretin

EDIT: Hellfire armor bits much? all they need is chest/legs/boots…im still waiting on the celestial bits of the same kind lol

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Newfood.1672


serious suggestion(s)
in regards to “flamekissed-light-armor-reskin-suggestion”

if we end up for example, absolutely hating the changed flamekissed skin

can we have the option to choose the default
human t3 cultural reskin that was just removed?

I’m really upset for not buying the default flamekissed armor before it was removed and am certain that I will not like the new version

another thing is instead of hastily removing newly released armor skins,
how about some warning next time like…
“Limited time armor skin sale that will end in the next 48 hours.
This armor skin will be replaced by a new version due to popular demand”

this is a troll thread sir, several other threads out there to talk about how folks like us who coughed up real dough are getting screwed cause some1’s panties got into a twist over not wanting to pay, now which ugly lowbie armor set do you think is going to replace our stolen epicness?

What made you believe this is a troll thread? “folks like us who coughed up real dough”, is a group that I am in, and is also “getting screwed”. But instead of adding to the qq’ing, decided to give a suggestion (hence the reason why this is in the suggestion section). Or you are a troll and I am just blissed in ignorance to catch that. In no way did I mean to make this a troll thread.

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Inimicus.7162


i got nothing on that one, well played sir.

But if you are serious, the best solution is to make the problem worse… moar t3 armors in gem store with tacky fyaz! fewer potential legal issues, fewer staff tied up untangling the furball, and ofc… I’d totally buy moar if the right sets were offered, so whoever collects the $$ would also be happier

Flamekissed Light Armor Reskin Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arrelaine.5692


It’ll probably be the Masquerade set…