Fluff skills!

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreamo.4971


I would love to see some fluff skills added. Mostly class specific but racial fluff could be fun too.

For example, a Mesmer fluff skill to create my 3 clones and have them all dance in sync with me. Or perhaps just the ability to create the clones out of combat and get to run around as 4 of myself? oh yes a skill to copy the appearance of your target for a short while would be fun.

Obviously I play a Mesmer so those are what I thought of! But the possiblities are endless and would be a lot of fun to have something unique to your class outside of combat.

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: FrogmanUJ.4587


I like your thinking.

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Freshwater Kangaroo.8962

Freshwater Kangaroo.8962

Guardian transformation to Sailor Moon.

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dreamo.4971


Rangers could have their pets play fetch!

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Graevarg.4871


I concur on the Ranger side – any form of playing with pets would be a hoot.

On a /sleep command the pet could also curl up next to the character. Silly but good fun.

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Savalsuan.4395


Excellent idea! Here are some contributions to go along with the Mesmer and Ranger suggestions, above:

Thief – Select a friendly target and use your skill to make your character sneak up behind them and pull a “wallet” from their back pocket.

Engineer – Turret that shoots confetti into the air.

Necromancer – raise a ghostly version of a friendly target that dances around for a few seconds before dissipating with a poof.

Elementalist – Does some kind of Tai Chi\Avatar kata that shows off all four elements.

Warrior – Drops and does one handed push-ups ala Trynd in LoL.

Guardian – …I got nothing, but I know I wouldn’t want to change to Sailor Moon =)

Fluff skills!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adelas.6598


I LOVE those ideas! I just wish I was creative enough to come up with some of my own. My husband suggested Rub Belly for the ranger pets :-D

I’ve been itching for more emotes in general, but these specific ones are great.