"Follow" option

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Slowloris.9738


Pretty much self-explanatory, but when in a party with people to have the option to follow them would be great as when levelling and exploring together it’s easy to get separated or for one in the group to get mobbed Would also make using the chat panel easier.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


I have never liked this idea. It just seems lazy. Want to type and run just hit auto run.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


I have never liked this idea. It just seems lazy. Want to type and run just hit auto run.

You think it’s lazy to not push a couple of keys to move your character?

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: StormcrowX.9236


No. no and no. This makes things even easier for botters and leechers.

You are not one of their “most dedicated players”. Don’t worry, neither am I apparently.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


I have never liked this idea. It just seems lazy. Want to type and run just hit auto run.

You think it’s lazy to not push a couple of keys to move your character?

I think if you just follow your friend for a while to type out a message then no that is fine. However, a system like this doesn’t stop at that point, you end up with people following others in fights do they do not have to worry about their characters mobility, that is then laziness in my view.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Pretty much self-explanatory, but when in a party with people to have the option to follow them would be great as when levelling and exploring together it’s easy to get separated or for one in the group to get mobbed Would also make using the chat panel easier.

What is it with people now a days ?

I was just in another thread answering to a lazy man that wants auto path, click to move to location and rotate camera when moving mouse to the edge of the screen.

come on, these are features found in most crappy, lazy man’s, low quality, bad design, f2p, p2w mmorpg’s.

I for one do NOT want all these lazy man’s tools in GW2 EVER !!!!

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: gwawer.9805


definitely don’t allow follow in PVP this would be hotjoin pvp bots

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Freshwater Kangaroo.8962

Freshwater Kangaroo.8962

People sitting on their butt playing games complaining about others being lazy – oh, the irony.

Variants of butt are swear words now?

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nefar.8135


I would like follow command as well. Could not care less about ‘bots’. A programmer can adapt to anything not having a ‘follow’ keys is not going to reduce the amount of automation software.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kso.6458


I approve this message. Auto follow is sweet for like Idk, when the phone rings, the doorbell, dogs are going nuts, bathroom break etc. etc. etc. Personally I am unable to sit in a bubble and play all day while real life just waits for me. Other people shouldnt have to wait if you need to do something real fast.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

I’m with Kso. If my spouse wants to run to the next location and I need to Bio, or get us both drinks, or whatever, why not?

There are already 10 billion bots in the game. They camp a place where events spawn frequently and don’t move. So not having a Follow command doesn’t seem to be stopping the botters.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


A /follow option is pretty much a basic MMO feature, so I see no reason why it shouldn’t be allowed in GW2. Regardless of whatever reasons you may not want the feature in this game because of people who break the rules, there are plenty of legitimate uses for it, especially for families that play together.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Asherdeil.3174


This would also be great if you are just getting friends into the game. You could show them where things are WHILE they ask questions or etc.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: MiceElf.6897


GW1 had the perfect solution. You could follow someone in your party as long as they were in range, and didn’t stop. As soon as they stopped and your character caught up with the char you were following, the follow command ended. This at least allowed you to stay with your party without having to keep your eyes on a little blue dot in a little map in the corner.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Ok, you will probably think this is stupid, but I don’t want to follow anyone. I want to walk beside someone. I RP and quite frequently me and some other player will try to walk side by side and have a conversation, just as people do in real life. It is next to impossible to get in step and stay in step.

So I want this: /walk *

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


How often when walking with a friend do you try to walk in step? Just toggle walk hit auto run and the you can type and chat in a more natural way.

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


I’ve tried at least 15-20 times and we can never get in step. But I invented Faceplantsu because I suck at the jumping puzzles, so maybe I just have bad timing in this game.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daily.5381


No. no and no. This makes things even easier for botters and leechers.

Although I’ve thought to myself a few times that I would want it, I then realize what kind of game this is and that there are tons of waypoints everywhere.
Then, I too had the thought that not having this probably helps deter botting and such.
I’m okay with not having it.
It’s clearly been done on purpose.

If they do add it, it should be just like it is in GW.

I have to stop drinking milkshakes.
I hate all those boys in my yard.

(edited by Daily.5381)

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


No, never, not in a billion Tyrian years!

I don`t want anyone using /follow on me for any reason.
Already got enough to contend with without them being afk & dragging more mobs onto me.

No doubt it`ll get added though, but if you have to, make it only visible option when in party & only then as sending an option to the person that is selected as a followee (new word? ;p) so they can decline if they don`t want the hassle of it all.

Or better still, just don`t add it in game, ever…

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Willowleaf.5721


I’d love to be able to follow too. I’ve found its absence so far annoying.

Necro (LV 80), thief, ele, guardian, engineer, revenant, ranger.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grammarye.3064


Adding the same as GW1, where you can only follow if grouped & in range, seems a reasonable compromise.

If you haven’t pressed Call Target at least once today, please go press it now.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: Johnny Whoa.8126

Johnny Whoa.8126

I’d like to have it, but it’d have to have limitations.
Firstly, players would have to be able to set who is allowed to use it. Check boxes for this could be used like:
Or something of the sort.

In addition, when someone who is approved to use follow wants to use it, it should prompt the leader whether or not they will allow it.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynx.3674


I agree with kso,

I play with my wife and if anything in life ever comes up where one of us needs to run away from the pc, follow is nice as one of us can continue on to where we were going. It actually is slightly annoying, when in a party and you need to walk away while they don’t want to wait, being left behind.

"Follow" option

in Suggestions

Posted by: nica.5829


90% of replies didn’t bother to read the post, once again the OP stated he would like the option when in a party. Meaning the people here moaning about random people following and leeching, I have to ask you: why would you party up with bots?