Follow target command

Follow target command

in Suggestions

Posted by: Divinah.9785


I am a recent convert from another MMO and I am missing the follow target command. This would be nice for not only finding your teammate quickly, but also for finding the enemy you have targeted. Often, I find a target but then have trouble getting to it to finish it off (hard to tell which direction it is).

With follow, I could lock onto that target and then quickly find it to use my attack skills. Please consider adding this, even if only for enemies.


Follow target command

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Posted many times, with vehement pro’s and con’s. Personally, I would like it since I lost my +5 Wand of Type while Running/Fighting.

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Follow target command

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I think Anet is against anything that would induce afking or your character doing anything in the game while you’re not actually doing it…