Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zuckerhund.4179


With the dragon events giving rare drops every time a chest spawns, overflow servers are kicking in and destroying the ability for server residents to actually do the events that tick down on their own personal timers. This is because the guesting system is being abused and people keep jumping around to the right server in an attempt to get the loot.

Instead of playing this little meta game that has sprung up I recommend forcing people who guest to another server to STAY in that server for 24 hours, with no option to go back to the origin server until that time has passed.

This would allow the system to be used for its intended purpose: playing with friends on other worlds without the exploit of using it for loot chests.

Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fred Fargone.3127

Fred Fargone.3127

There is already a 2 server guesting limit per 24 hours. I think it is enough. 24hour minitransfer would only make it harder for legit guesters to meet their friends.

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Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blush Lift.3570

Blush Lift.3570

I understand peoples frustration in the whole dragon event lag issue. But I don’t think punishing people who use guesting is the way to go. The issue itself lays with the loot table on dragons. I agree with Fred Fargone regarding legit guest users should not be punished. I don’t agree with having to stay on a server for 24 hours as I use to play on underworld and moved to seafarers rest as it had a lower population I sometimes guest to Underworld to play with the friends I made there. I wouldn’t want to have to stay there for 24 hours for the sake of playing for two-three hours with friends in the evening.

I do however think the lag on dragon events has become unbearable. To the point that I am getting bronze reward even though I have been present for the whole event. With the issue of my spells/combat arts are taking too long to register to get a hit, to even get a reward let alone a chest.

(edited by Blush Lift.3570)

Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zuckerhund.4179


What if people who originate on the given server are given priority over those guesting? I’d settle for that too.

Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

For guesting to work as intended, it has to be just as smooth as playing from your home world. Applying restrictions to guests or guesting is undermining the purpose of the system.

And why are we blaming guesting for this issue? When guesting was introduced, there were no problems with getting into “proper” zones instead of overflows (except in LA, which has always been overcrowded).

The real issue is that it’s just too easy to get great loot by spending 5-10 minutes ikittenone and moving on to another zone. Reduce the rewards, limit the total number of chests available by character or account, or (gasp) apply diminishing returns. All of these would lower the demand for certain zones and reduce the chance that overflow gets triggered.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Forcing the Guest to stay for 24 hours.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blush Lift.3570

Blush Lift.3570

I can agree with that but again I don’t think it would work. I think the solution Anet is coming up with this is first come first serve. Rather than people turning up when it is spammed in guild you need to get there before the 30min window.

I play on a low population server and the only event that seems to go to overflow is Jormag. This must be a pain for the high population servers. But I do not do dragon events when guesting we purely do dungeons for that 2-3 hour time slot we play together. However, when I am on my home server I do get to the event just before the window opens.

Anet needs to do something about this, the solution does not lay with banning guests from dragon events as many people have said before. Some of the more casual players who play limited time frames should be able to guest to play the game how they wish.

Anet did not consider the impact on overflow and lag when changing the loot table on these mob. I am hopeful that they are working toward a solution though. But people on their home world need to be able to play how they want and not missing out on events due to people who abuse the guesting purely for dragon events.

(edited by Blush Lift.3570)