FotM - 'Large Fractals' Fix for Complaints
i agree, we started today with cliffside, than we had grawl the third was guess what?
dredge… and we were doing the lv 10 daily…
unfortunately 1 of our players had to go, we found replacement and a second player had to go too.
we did the dredge in 4. but the elemental was too much time consuming and in the end we gave up. we’ll try better luck another time, not a real problem, we had loot and all the rest, but…
maybe i would suggest to consider the idea to revamp some fights…
why all this sigil to break in the cliffside? wouldn’t be fast if you manage to hit the seal just once? or maybe have less seal to break?
the dredge dungeon is already long and difficult. does the boss really need to heal? would not be better invulnerable or a 1 time heal?
does it need to hit the one who is running for the lava busckets with AoE?
this fight is already eternal when you manage to hit the boos with lava at all stations… why does he need to heal or hit everywhere? does it really need to have veteran that spawns each time with no at least one or two minutes without them?
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the dredge dungeon is already long and difficult. does the boss really need to heal? would not be better invulnerable or a 1 time heal?
does it need to hit the one who is running for the lava busckets with AoE?
this fight is already eternal when you manage to hit the boos with lava at all stations… why does he need to heal or hit everywhere? does it really need to have veteran that spawns each time with no at least one or two minutes without them?
LOL do it properly and he wont heal, you know keep him moving so he always ahve the superheated “buff” on, and interrupt him when he tries to heal