Fractals 50+

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

We all know that no matter how much AR you have you can’t survive the jade maw agony for now in 50+.

What I am proposing is that instead of perpetualy increase number and level of the mobs, we gives them more mechanics (like when you go from fractal 9 to 10, the bumping on the harpies), especially for bosses. They could get a P2, new skills… I know they did for some fractal, like the icebrood one where the boss add some ice spike from lvl 30, but i’m thinking about more noticable changes, like the icebrood boss do every 25% health a jump like the one on CoF p3, or when you kill him in 50+ he revives as one of those kitten norn icebrood boss with new skills.

Are you for, against, or have mixed feelings with it ? Please argument. You can suggest changes that in your opinion are nice (on the concept itself or an exemple of a P2 or skill you would like to see).

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ariete.6509


About time to add some new fractals. Looking at the new TA path i guess they’re heading for other direction…

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

About time to add some new fractals. Looking at the new TA path i guess they’re heading for other direction…

I’m not sure what brought you to that conclusion. We know they are going to release atleast 3 fractals and are actually working on that.
a: The explosion off the thumova (dont wanna look for the correct spelling) reactor
b: The molten alliance dungeon is adapted into a fractal
c: The first Aetherblade dungeon is being adapted into a fractal

Just the fact that they also show love and attention to other aspects off the game doesn’t mean they will break their promises.

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

I’m not talking about new fractals, I’m talking about evolving game mechanics as you go deeper in the fractals. Not just always addind more mobs that have more levels. The game mechanics could be more challenging and complex when they open lvl 50+.

Ps : you guys should have voted for the abbadon fractal, instead you voted for cheaper teleportation? You guys are crazy.

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: blessing nosferatu.3784

blessing nosferatu.3784

you guys should have voted for the abbadon fractal, instead you voted for cheaper teleportation? You guys are crazy.

I feel ya.
Some people didn’t even know they were chosing a new fractal and some people don’t care of fractal.


Abbadon would have been a fractal based on a fight between gods…people voted for an asuras one…yep..the choice was between impersonating the gods in the fight against abbadon or asuras…


Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

I’m not talking about new fractals, I’m talking about evolving game mechanics as you go deeper in the fractals. Not just always addind more mobs that have more levels. The game mechanics could be more challenging and complex when they open lvl 50+.

Ps : you guys should have voted for the abbadon fractal, instead you voted for cheaper teleportation? You guys are crazy.

Abbadon-blah. To spoil that story, he looses and is cast into the realm of torment where is is imprisoned. We all know what happened. But what happened with the reactor is much less known and more exiting.

Don’t get me wrong I actually agree with your suggestion. But saying that fractals are not getting love cause they did something with a regular dungeon is wrong. I’m personally not a big lover of fractals but I do think your suggestion the right one. That doesnt mean that all the love should go to fractals. They are working on new fractals content so pls be patient

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bright.9160


or when you kill him in 50+ he revives as one of those kitten norn icebrood boss with new skills.

He already takes an eternity to kill @ level 48, because he jumps up on top on his ledge all the time… Please don’t make it take even longer.

I’d like more mechanics too though, instead of just bigger hp bags that hit harder..

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


I like this because i survive 48 maw agony but just barely. I grinded enough to get this much AR. Now make more interesting mechanics instead. More mobs anything but grinding more AR. Basically make anything above 48 do the same agony damage as there.
Then use you’re imagination and make some interesting content arenanet.

Fractals 50+

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Sixteenth.2561

The Sixteenth.2561

Here is some examples of idea :
-after you free the colossus, he breaks a part of the wall letting you in a secret room whith glyphs all over the place with a huge cristal. As the group enter the room, the cristal shatters letting out a smaller deep purple version of the colossus. The glyphs is attaked by the boss and get destroyed one by one, giving more and more power to the boss. To prevent him from destroying the glyphs, you must use the shield of the hammer. He attaks you and start with invincibility that can only be removed for 10s when he walks over the brokken cristal. He has perma stab and put agony with a shout that also fear. He has almost the same attak as a warrior that use the elite that give him stab for 20s (forgot the name). But to not make the fractal too long, the boss before him only have 60% of the 48 fractal one health.
In the icebrood fractal, once the boss reach 50% heath he transform into a norn icebrood boss that doesn’t teleport anymore, he stomp his arm to make spikes in a line in front of him and from times to times he makes ice spike fall from the roof in a circular way and the circle extends like a wave. The previous attaks give agony. He does a leap that leaves on impact a quite big ice zone that chill and apply the stack that hurts you and at 10 put you in an ice block. He sometimes enrage and you have to make him leap on the ice wall that he still summon, doing so will stun him for 10s.
In the harpy fractal, once all golem are killed, a hazmat suit is summoned by the little guy and have all the attaks of the three golem in SE p1. The projectile that leaves AoE apply agony but not the AoE itself. Every 25% health he shoots in a circular way (like the golem meta event) his long range blue annoying balls then the fast one making a 720º turn.

Those are exemples and are not fully though through, if you have any ideas just feel free to post it.

PS : Sorry for not knowing the skill name and not using the exact term because english is not my main language and I play the game in my main language.

(edited by The Sixteenth.2561)