Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Evalore.3751


Idea is simple to reward those who explore – far more useful to lv80 player’s who actually want to continue playing in different area’s without breaking the bank on travel costs (So many just use the mists to help cut down on costs).

While lv’ing up costs were fine – map completion, hearts etc covered the costs fine but at lv80 – the costs start to become very restrictive. Even travel in WvWvW is free so it really seems pointless to keep waypoint costs in the PvE world for lv80 players.

*Anet could simply remove waypoint costs all together which would work just as well, but at least adding some sort of unique reward for such a benefit seems far better.

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tarkaroshe.8370


Whilst i will agree that WP costs can be a serious drain on a players income, I don’t think it’s a good idea to make them completely free when a player has completed an entire map.

There needs to be money sinks in the game, therefore completely removing a money sink is not a good idea for the long term health of the economy because then everything has a benefit without a consequence. And in MMO’s everything needs a benefit and a consequence.

The benefit of WP’s is insta-travel, the downside is cost.
The benefit of running everywhere is no cost, but the downside is a lot of travel time.

These are both two extreme forms of travel. There needs to be viable and worthy middle options, ones which are perhaps not as fast as WP insta-travel, BUT aren’t as costly as WP travel.

However, the details regard such an option is a subject for a different thread

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Also I think that traveling to the gib cities should be WP costs are fine, you easily make way more money than you need to spend on traveling.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Evalore.3751


The ultimate money sink already exists in this game >>> Legendary material grind.

You could argue that if your going for legendary that you could afford the costs but honestly very few players will – well at least for many the time/gold/grind will take well over a year playing (for those with massive gold via trading/guild they can simply buy their way to legendary straight away which is a serious gameplay issue in itself).

I personally feel that the only money sink should be for crafting & trading. Any other costs that negatively effect players ability to travel and explore is a problem, especially if your trying to create a massive multiplayer environment that encourages players to explore and group up with each other in various locations across a large world map.

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


Every MMO eco needs an effective money sink, otherwise it will collapse. And in order to be effective the money sink has to be linked to an action that is performed on a regular base by the majority of the players. Neither crafting nor the grind for legendary gear meet these conditions, they are both just optional or a once in a lifetime action. And trading is just a too small money sink to keep the eco clean on its own.

I have almost completed the whole world, and the only time I had to use a waypoint during this process was, wenn I ended up on a map that wasn’t linked to another I haven’t explored yet. The WP costs do not affect exploring at all.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

I agree WPs are too high at lvl 80, 100% explore should at least halve those costs.

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ang.2157


I support this suggestion.
There are already a lot of money sinks in the game.

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: yandere.9176


Actually yes they are a lot of money sinks in this game, so even wheI would normally oppose such a suggestion. I think it might be a good idea.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: burei.7102


No. There might be a lot money sinks in the game, but removing one of the biggests would just increase the inflation.
WvW waypoints are free because death is more common, therefore repair costs are a lot higher.

What the game needs more is incentive for exploration. Currently, everything is way too previsible, and you know that going from point x to y walking would be a waste of time if you didn’t have to pay for the waypoint. Remove waypoint costs and everything that’s not the path between a big event chain or a rare material node and a waypoint will become a desert.

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: PIETRO.3958


Currently cost of telepotring is definitely too high. This game should be about playing together and doing event/dungedons. Dungedons money were nerfed instead of doing DD simply longer. The way this system works (or rather doesn’t work) make me only stop doing them. So stay with events. To teleport same map you pay 1,5-2s… For event you can get 1,86s, so obviously teleporting is taking whole profit and we are talking only WP on same map….. As ANet is encouraging as to switch them with drop system the costs are even bigger. Going for another event usually is not an option to, as it takes too long (event will simply end).

As for money sink, the biggest currently is TP, 15% of any transaction is really big deal. Second would be repair. And currently third WP. Probably soon upgrading castles in WvW would take Second maybe even first place. So even WP an no cost is an option in my opinion. Still I would agree, that it wouldn’t be as good. Maybe 50% cut at 100% map is an option.

Free Waypoint Travel for 100% World Map completion

in Suggestions

Posted by: WingsofAsgard.9201


I think an easier solution to this might be to make certain waypoints similar to outposts from the first game, which were free to travel to and had a different waypoint icon.

I’ll agree however that I have very little incentive to go help guild mates when it costs me 4s50c to waypoint to them.